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Alford today

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Just back from a brilliant day out at Alford, much kudos to all those who organised it, to the lads with the stickers [H], to Imy for the merch, top quality stuff, [:)] to the one pound tins of coke [:P], to my sunburn [:)], to Craig and yer mate (forgot his name lol), Phil, yer missus and the two weans, Euan, Ali, Fastone and missus (don't think I got your names either lol) and Charlie and anyone i've missed, for the craic, top bunch of lads on this here site and last but not least Craig's navigational skills [:D]

Sure there will be a lot more to be added to this thread along with pictures and videos, roll on the next one [:)]



Exactly what I just got out the fridge min, nicely chilled litre bottle of Magners [:D] Cracking day though Craig, apart from my 'mishap' on the way out [:P]


Aye, had a good day - yep kloon, ye were lucky on the way oot. Had a good view  - pity i didnt have a camera, the scooby was fairly twichin.


It was a good day out .Good speaking to Squirrel and giving me more information on my car and speaking to Spooks Rosie Imy Stephen and the rest of you .The tins of drink for sale in the musem were 60p and the tomtom satnav i borrowed from my older brother gave a twistie road back home.The orgainser's from sidc made a good job of  to day[:D]


Top day out and it was nice seeing everyone. Had some fun on
the track and running off it (just for the cameras mind you). Pictures and
videos will be coming soon.


Roll on the next day out.



Aye, had a good day - yep kloon, ye were lucky on the way oot. Had a good view  - pity i didnt have a camera, the scooby was fairly twichin.

I think VERY lucky would be a better description [:D]


second that Ari...good day, and me too with the Magners. one bottle left fae last nite. braw....good to see abody again. .You shld hav kept up wi me Ari on way home, caught up wi Craig n Kev and had a blast over the back roads back to asda,  ...INTERESTING MOMENTS !!!!

I should have had a bbq the nite, get everyone roond... maybe later..

Definately interested in going doon to Bandits birthday bash on the karts.. anyone else..

fed up of redscoobydoo, will think o something else...




Aye was a quality day out. Many thanks to the organisers and imy for the quality gear. Squirrel cheers for giving my car the once over,  boss. Well done to the fastone for getting the shed on the track  - it spurd me on to give it a  go.  and abody else for the banter and making it a good day out. Oh aye an top gear the night to finish it off. [:D]


second that Ari...good day, and me too with the Magners. one bottle left fae last nite. braw....good to see abody again. .You shld hav kept up wi me Ari on way home, caught up wi Craig n Kev and had a blast over the back roads back to asda,  ...INTERESTING MOMENTS !!!!

I should have had a bbq the nite, get everyone roond... maybe later..

Definately interested in going doon to Bandits birthday bash on the karts.. anyone else..

fed up of redscoobydoo, will think o something else...



Got stuck behind 3 or four slow moving cars Charlie and after my "INTERESTING MOMENT" on the way out, a placid drive back was in order !

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