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2000 mile

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round trip


and worth every penny


if anyone is planning on going to the nurburgring then have fun, but please dont try and think your a race track god in 1 lap, seen a few accedents and 1 biker was killed.

best moment of the trip was racing a ferrari....and keeping up

worst moment was getting passed by a very very sideways zafira, and an mx5 going off  when she tried to pass me on the outside of a bend at silly speeds


got 8 laps in all, was there monday to thursday, managed only 1 on monday then there was the fatality on track,

tuesday a biker dropped it so track was closed for a wee while too

already planning next years trip......with much bigger brakes


col i had the tyres screeching round every corner on the last lap i did, i was getting much faster, never timed laps..if you read ben lovejoys site he strongley reccomends not timing yourself.


This is where we were staying, the roads up and down to the ring are great. like a wee rally stage every journey




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