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where's best to buy Subaru standard parts from?

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I am looking to get a price for two new rear dampers for my 97 wagon as they are well past their best now!

With my vw's before, the best place to buy from was the likes of GSF (German Swedish French) and send OE parts to your door way cheaper than you would get from the dealers.

Anywhere similar for Jap parts??



I will try and give them a phone later, I have just checked the site but doesn't look promising!!

I find it pretty weird that out of 24 views, presumably most of them Subaru owners, that no-one bar from Stephen seems to be able to offer a suggestion as to the best place to get parts for their cars??!![:(]

Surely you don't all get them from Subaru dealerships and pay full price?


Just a thought, but have you tried Overton Ali ? Won't be new but might

find a pair that's as near as dammit. Nae sure how they are for pricing



Thanks for that guys, will give both a call.

Not too keen on second hand jobs, but your right, I could be lucky and find a nearly new set!

I have been quoted just under £100 per oe damper from my usual garage and was hoping to find them a bit cheaper. After fitting I will be about £300 so I considered spending a bit more and getting the Scoob Tein'd up, but after speaking to Duncan @ Hypertech (who was really helpfull) it looks like availlability is going to be a problem. 


liam(glenburgie) is away this week so no barganing. they wanted 150 per caliper for four pots - i think not. overton surprisingly only wanted 65 but only had one side.


Aye man im considering gettin the scoob tein'd up too, i read in J-tuner that GSF are doin jap parts, get them phoned man, you know their a good bunch of lads

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