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Some Gits Slashed my Tyre!

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Having spent 90 notes today getting a scratch removed from one of my wings, I have just noticed some git has slashed the side of my nearside tyre.  Luckily its not burst, but it certainly aint safe to go above 40.  So that means I will have to fork out about 100 notes tomorrow for a new tyre!

Reckon it got done in the retail car park in Falkirk, as the car is garaged when I am home.

If I had caught the bassa, then I would have rammed the blade up his a$£e!!!!!




F***IN LOW LIFE SCUMMY F*** !!!!!!




swine's !!! although it is quite lucky you spotted it mate !! could have been nasty if it had popped at speed !

doesnt really bear thinking about


sorry to hear that M8,

Don't know what people are thinking to do that [*-)]

i use that car park fairly regular when in falkirk, will be carefully parking well away from everyone in future so the car is well out in the open.


Got a new tyre today, good price as well from Tom Farmers Company, cant remember the full name.  £60 for a top of the range Dunlop, cant remembe the tyre name but they gave me 15 quid off!  Must have felt sorry for me when he noticed how red I was!  Been off work for Study Leave, and just been swatting in the sun!

Anyway, when he took the tyre off the rim half a stanley knife blade was in the tyre wall.  So it was some twat with a blade, and defo in Tesco Car Park.  Guy reckons I was lucky it was only one tyre.  Thinks the tube must have went to do that one first and broke the blade.  So I do not know if there is a Scooby Hater in the loose in Falkirk!  Maybe just bad luck, or perhaps someone I have gave the finger to before and they remembered the car!

I shall be more careful when parking up there now though!

Cheers for the comments lads[:P]

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