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Run from Aberdeen to Scottish National SIDC day @ Alford

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RECIEVED Kloon, can you also send " a better picture" of the route your taking as I can't see it too well on the screen?




1. Kloon - YES

2. Craig Mac - YES

3. Rossco

4. Philip_w - Yes

5. Ac!D - YES

6. Thefastone - YES

7. Ali37 - YES

8. Scooby Steve - YES

9. Ali M - YES

10. Pete (yes it's a 1.6) - YES



Get the polish oot folks[:P]

Little reminder

This is a fun day out please drive with safety in mind.

No doubt we will have eyes on us so lets keep it sensible

Imy is hoping to have all your SIDC clothing order ready for delivery at Alford too[:D]

Please note MEET @ 0845 For Departure 0900 SHARP

You all know where and when etc and the map is posted somewhere in this thread.

Some of you will have received PM's etc[:(]

See you all Sunday[:D]


Ari, Mines a Sausage and Egg mate[:D]




Ari, Mines a Sausage and Egg mate[:(]



Well I did promise I suppose [:P]

What Craig said tho folks, should be a good day oot this and the

weather looks like it's going to be fine for weekend so let's nae spoil

it with some daft driving[:D]


i'll be making the trip and looking forward to meeting all you crazy people [:P]  [:(]

cRaZy PeOpLe [*-)] US? LOL [:D]

Hopefully with a big bag of SIDC goodies [:D]



Get Up and get them cars washed you lazy foooooooooks [:D]

See you soon

Kloon [:P] You know my order,

We may have another car coming too, but we will wait and see if he makes it oot his scratcher



ive been up since six

Get Up and get them cars washed you lazy foooooooooks [:D]

See you soon

Kloon [:P] You know my order,

We may have another car coming too, but we will wait and see if he makes it oot his scratcher


ive been oot and washed my car already!! [:)]  so i suggest you go wash yours!!!!!! [:)][:)]

im heading off in about 10 mins , meeting scooby steve in cruden bay the back of eight then head straight through

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