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Humble apologies

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[;)][;)]loads of sorry's to any individuals [:$]...who were held up by my poor silver classic going sick, i'm affraid i blew my clutch.[:$]

i thought the gearbox had gone poof ........but it looks like the clutch.......most depressing day[:P] [:P]

totally gutted[:'(][:'(]

nice to meet you all though.

next time things might go my way, oh and thanks to all who offered assistance

Does anyone know where i can get one asap.

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Hi Daisy,

Nudge is back on his way to sunny Wiltshire as i type, all mended and back on the road, The only warning signs nigel had was his pedal started to stick down, Then he lost his 4th gear and reverse then 2nd went. His clutch release bearing was in 7 bits and his pressure plate was purple coloured with overheating[;)].

Still it only took marty and nig (aka loonybin and nudge) 5 1/2 hours to replace, not bad considering they not changed one on a scoob before.

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