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Some news, i dont think i will be coming to the NBO.

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With my new Job as team leader i have a lot more to do now thats why iam not on here as much as i normally am, so this weekend iam working away so i dont think iam going to be able to make it SORRY.


What i need is someone to come and get the marquee and the other show stuff off me as i cant get it  to anyone.


Any takers?

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Sorry to hear the news m8 [:D] roll on Germany[:o][:)]



Cant be helped mate, my job is what pays for the scoob so sometimes the job has to come first, plus i think the scoob has come first too much recently if you get my drift.

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Si, just spoke to Pete, I offered to go in the evening, but it would be better if you could call round in the afternoon, give him a ring do you know his mob number?

Bob, the CADS spreadsheet I have has the wrong home number for Pete, can you send me an up to date copy please.


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