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Just booked up............

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  • 1 month later...

6 days till touch down

I will be pretty much off air after tomorrow so see you soon chaps !

Cheers for the speech help and general help

So getting merrit this Saturday..........

------ then 4 nights here :- http://www.jumeirahbeachhotel.com/  ( ditched the Sheraton after executive decision)

-------then 9 nights here :- http://mauritius.lemeridien.com/

High speed internet access in room, 32'' plasma and sunken bath overlooking the Indian Ocean,

Life's a beaatch !

If you hear tyre squeal from the Middle East it will be moi trying to kojack some Bridgestones with my new rag headed instructor

Really busy of late but the forum banter is strong at the moment

Cheers for now folks



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good effort Cal, im sure youll enjoy, was there a few years ago, some place alright! get out on the strip at nights to watch the crazy arabs with ther crazxy cars showing off, ...cool as!!

enjoy the track as well, hope its got a monster intercooler to cool it doon in that heat,

didnt like the heat,,, far toooo hot,,,


enjoy it anyway

hope wedding goes well.haea good day



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Oh super thank you! I've been trying to find out what that place is called.....

we're hopefully going to be spending a couple of nights out there in January en route to India

Enjoy your big day...I mean the wedding...not the racing!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Speech went well with a Powerpoint presentation and a Limerick thrown in for good measure !

The rest of the day was ace if a little manic !  Never got pished which was a wise move. Natalie looked fantastic and she and her bridesmaids did some Irish dancing during the bands break which was well received

Thanks for all the advice from you SIDC'ers. The band were soooo good too and I think Brian recommended them beforehand




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