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was in asda tonight..on the way in a red classic with white wheels parked in a disabled space, and when i came out a black blobeye sti was also parked there


giving scoob drivers a bad name


I do it all the time, always in the very last bay though and only if there are loads of empty ones. 80% of people dont give a toss about your car, seen loads get scraped and dented by complete tossers.


And the Scoobie drivers defo weren't disabled or had disabled passengers? I take up two spaces too, but not disabled spaces. At work, a coleague opened their door, thumped mine and didn't own up! What is that about? That was my pre-Scoob Celica though.

i dont use disabled spaces but i do use the parent and child ones lol !! and if none of them i go to the corner of the car park where no one else is and take up 2 spaces !!


nope no badges, there was an old woman looking in the red one for a badge, and she looked really peed off

Just becasue a person isn't in possession of a peice of paper doesn't mean they arent disabled, perhaps temporarily injured. Also, it would be incorrect to assume that all in possession of badges are actually disabled! LOL to the parent-child ones, have no problem using those!



I do it all the time, always in the very last bay though and only if there are loads of empty ones. 80% of people dont give a toss about your car, seen loads get scraped and dented by complete tossers.


I always park in a disabled space, I was sick and tired of getting my door dented and I dont have a guilty conscience at all.

Its not our fault the other parking spaces are too small for the stupid women parking next to us, who then opens her door causing a dent which costs £50 to have removed


I Parked up in tescos a few nights ago, I took 2 spaces up, much to the disaproval of my wife, as we were walking up to the store a woman got out her car only a few cars up from mine, she was so careless she let the wind catch her door and bang right in to the car next to her, by the sound of it it put the whole door or wing in, I then turned to my wife and said, now do you understand?


I tend to take up two spaces too....

you can guarantee that even if you are in a completely empty car park, someone will park right next to you.....why????



Ahhhhhhhh, so it's peeps like you lot that park in "parent & child spaces". I have a child and often cannot get a space for lazy/selfish sods on their own parking here. LOL [;)] Tho i do understand why you do it.

They should have bays for "really smart cars that people look after ONLY, Joe Bloggs in his Maxi NOT allowed"

Why are spaces so tight?

Why does someone always park right next to you as Fee said?

Why don't people just learn to drive & park correctly in the first place?

Has anyone ever seen a scoob with a disabled badge?




as many of you know i have a disabled badge and i normally park the car in a disabled space at Asda and things but i have a genuine reason for parking there and i have a badge my own badge may i add!!!! You should see the looks we get when the car runs on the turbo timer and me and wullie walk out  LOL the old yins love it !!!!




I take my mum shopping in my scoob and use her Disabled sticker to park in the disabled bays. But only if she is with me.  I do get some weird and wonderful looks.

Otherwise, I either take up two spaces, or park further away from the store and just walk that extra fifty yards to the shop. ;-)


I park as far away from the store as possible, where there are no other cars

They are all too busy trying to get close they dont have to walk.

Either that or round the side where it is nose to tail parking, Not side by side[:D]

As i have a disabled member in the family and also 2 of my close friends, it pi55es me off people parking in the disabled spaces. To55ers all of them

Had several incidents......[:@] but strangley they always move when i ask them "nicely"......[;)]

So please consider those less fortunate than ourselves folks



im a 2 space man myself always as far away as possible too, if its tescos i have been known to use parent and child as ive got a wean but shes 9 now does that count . my dad has a disabled sticker for his car or my car if i take him anywhere so id be pissed off at anyone pinching a disabled space that didnt have a pass to park there.


I never park in disabled bays,but parent and child bays,well there fair game as the scoob is my baby! [;)]

Main thing to be aware of is baby seats in cars.Lost count of how many times i've seen women strapping kids into baby seats while their fat arses are pushing their door up against the car next to them!![:@]

As for supermarkets ,the wife takes her car![:D] especially to Asda in Hamilton as the car park there was designed by the village idiot,just add some inept women

and it resembles a bloody demolition derby!!


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