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Intercooler Fitting

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Some of you may know that I have recently acquired an APS Front Mount for my newage car.

I aim to fit this soon and the normal thing to do in such case is to produce a photographic fitting guide of what was done, for the next person to attempt.

Being the immature thirty something that I am, I intend to make a slight joke of the whole affair and intend to include a number of humurous photographs in with the good stuff.

I will therefore be holding an intercooler fitting party/bbq at the end of May, weather permitting. If you would like to be immortalised on SN or the SIDC forums please let me know by PM or email.

I have all the tools and space need to fit the intercooler and I reckon on no more than 4 hours elapsed spanner time to fit. The hardests thing will be cutting the bumper.


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Good idea, but my front mount took me 3 days to fit so are you offering B&B??   Lol.

Only if we have to let you near the sharp spanners! [:S]

This is an APS kit, so it should fit first time. the only issues will be with the bumper cutting. And I have a cunning plan for that.


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the only issues will be with the bumper cutting. And I have a cunning plan for that


Yep...too right... i shall be bringing all my drills , 14" chop saw and heavy duty angle grinder...and some earplugs(so i cant hear andy swearing at me..lol)


Bring it on...name the date so i can sharpen all the tools.....[:D]



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The 28th is a Sunday [*-)]

Thanks guys. I must have been using Deans Smash Hits callendar from 1989. [:D]

Saturday 27th.!

Ill have some beers, soft drinks and burgers in, but if you want anything 'exotic' you may need to supply it.


I've got a plan so cunning, you could put a tail on it & call it a weasel  - NOT!

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OK, This has taken a slight back seat with recent events, as has the KS Cup. [;)]

Im gonna do this over the whole of the Bank Holiday WE.

I'll start on the Saturday, to fit the IC and pipework if anyone is free

and then probably finish on the Sunday Morning with the bumper trimming.

Monday, I might just have a BBQ. [:D]  Although the landscapers will not have finished me patio. [:o]

Ill PM all those who expressed an interest.


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It's this weekend, comes round quick.

Everyone who expressed an interest should have had a PM.

If anyone hasn't, let me know.

Luckily, if it is raining the garage is big enough to work in [;)]

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MMMMmmmmmm......Interesting day in Andy's garage today.....

Luckily we took some of our own tools...Andy's 3rd generation hand me downs...[;)]

"put it on....then take it off...put it back on and then take it off AGAIN"...repeat this exercise about a dozen times and you will have got about half way through the job..lol


"It Lives"....just about...lol





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MMMMmmmmmm......Interesting day in Andy's garage today.....

Luckily we took some of our own tools...Andy's 3rd generation hand me downs...[;)]

Just cos my tool box shows that I have been a spannerman for years. dont mean all the tools are the same age.

Cheek sod![:D]

The intercooler is in and the car is running, but I have nor brakes [:'(]

I do no need to refit the intercooler, but cant drive the car until I get a set of inlet manifold gaskets as I need to remove a broken breather. The law of sod.

Day off tomorrow and bumper on Monday.


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