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Yes, I am still Alive!


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Hi All, I am still alive. [;)] Haven't had any internet connection at home for sometime and this is the only chance I've had during work to log on!

Hope you are all well? and welcome to all the new CADS members!

Had an accident last week....OOPS! [:P] Wasn't my fault, someone cut across me from the slip road straight into the fast lane and hit the near side front wing of my blue baby! Quite luck I'm ok - 4WD kicking in and saving me from spinning around I reckon?! So my car is quite poorly at the moment, needing a new wing, alloy and bumper repair. Getting it fixed in couple of weeks, so I'm looking quite [:@] at the mo driving about in my dented P1!

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nice to hear from you again Jenni we thought Bob had been trying to sell you too much stuff and you had done one, lol.

Sorry to hear about the car, hope it gets sorted soon. Another female member Pink Turbo Girl is interested in buying a P1 so I said you would be the person to talk to, everyone one here is fine anyway.


Hope to see you soon[:P]

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nice to hear from you again Jenni we thought Bob had been trying to sell you too much stuff and you had done one, lol.

Sorry to hear about the car, hope it gets sorted soon. Another female member Pink Turbo Girl is interested in buying a P1 so I said you would be the person to talk to, everyone one here is fine anyway.


Hope to see you soon[;)]

Sorry to hear about the car Jen, there are some plonkers out there! At least you are OK![:P]

I haven't TRIED to sell Jen owt Nige, but I think you'd look great in a CADS top Jen!

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