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AWD si.d.c OPEN DAY DATE sat 22nd April 06

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The date for our openday is sat the 22nd april

AWD & S.I.D.C Subarus

Free diagnostics

Banzai mag

Andy forrests subaru race car (to confirm)

Discounted prices on the day.



Andy might be there?! Thought he'd be keeping the car with it's low proflie, till he's ready to race???

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Hope to come along and meet some of you guys ![:(]

My car not that fancy but might pick up the bug for mods

woudn,t no where to start?[:^)]

What time does people start going?

See you there[C]


What a great idea !!!!!!!!! I will donate a fiver also.

I will see if my work can donate too. They normally donate to cancer research or people without jobs but im sure they will bend the rules this time.



 Jc had a great idea, well I thought so.

Donations to fees birthday deecat

1. JC scoob £5

2. MY94 £5

3.Paddy £5



Chris this is a bit of light hearted comradery amoung subaru enthusiats. if you are not interested or just want to take the piss, Dont bother.

Andy it is for real man.



 Jc had a great idea, well I thought so.

Donations to fees birthday deecat

1. JC scoob £5

2. MY94 £5

3.Paddy £5



Chris this is a bit of light hearted comradery amoung subaru enthusiats. if you are not interested or just want to take the piss, Dont bother.

Andy it is for real man.



Oh right...........my birthday is in May!!  [:P][:)]


am sure Chris was like me a little confused and not taking the p1ss, not often you see people donating to mod someone elses car  [:D]


good on yers,

just so happens i'm on holls from the 26th for the tattoo convention in abz (quick plug over with) hope i shall be back from where ever i am sent to work so i can make it to the open day

be like a home from home for my scoob [;)]


  • 2 weeks later...

I'm really cheesed off - my car will be back on the road after it's rebuild by then but I'm on call that weekend Angry [:@] damn work.

Would have been a good chance to meet other modded car owners for a yap.

I'm determined to make it to an event soon....



Only had my car for a few weeks so hopefully able to make the day,is everyone meeting up there or going up convoy style? how many going from my neck of the woods?

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