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I have perfected the art of scandinavian flicking a 4WD car. The jalopy has 4WD and in an icey car park at an undisclosed military location this morning I cracked the nut which has eluded me for years.

What brought this about was reading Walter Rorhls comments about left foot braking an Audi S1 on one of the recent links, it seemed to make sense when he said that he had initially been doing it wrong and it was a case of keeping the brake pressure constant and balancing the slide on the throttle not the brake. This was my problem, I was doing it arse about face.

This along with the Squirrels video coaching sessions on how to unsettle a car before you slide have paid off.

Thanks Grant for your insight

Thanks Volter for making me see the light

And thank you to you know who you are for allowing me to slide my buggy about on the carpark until I got it right.

Thats it done with a 60bhp suzuki jeep. All I need is my car finished and ill be trying it with slightly more horses.

Callum W

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