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The government and shell

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I was filling up the deathstar this afternoon and noticed that they have raised the prices again.

For a week or so, in order to take the heat of them, the government reduced the tax to allow cheaper prices in fuel.

NOW.. they have put it back up now no one is looking !!!!

i asked the manager what the deal was-

"the government take 80p a litre of optimax, shell get 23p"im raging to the point where the boy that was once for queen and country is hatefully against the crown now

i cannot stomach the fact that not only do i pay them an average of £700+ income tax, £3 tax for 20 fags, £120 council tax and 80p a litre of juice !!!!!!!!

in case anyone wondered where the aid, support, G8 summits etc come from......out 20% max of the money they steel from us. th rest is hidden away

I hate themface-icon-small-mad.gifface-icon-small-mad.gifface-icon-small-mad.gif

**edited to mention that the price was 102.9p** FFS

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the facts ...............


Shell get nowhere near 23p ! It hacks me of when people say Shell make huge profits. Of course they do but they have massive amount of shareholders to please, have 100,000 staff globally and have been in the business for years. Do people moan like hell when Wallmart makes millions........

Blame acts of god, political unrest, high demand & the so called evolving tiger nations.....oh and big Gordie Brown

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I sell IT services for Computacenter. I know what margins we work with.

If a guy from shell tells me they take 20p a litre then in my eyes, hes right until found out to be a bullshatter.

My point is... for the clever clever people that seem to miss every clearly worded point i make.

The government are crooks

Rant over.

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Well I hate to point this out lads....

But Oil companies have a big part of the blame in this.....

I have seen a few reports now which seem to answer the question as to why Oil is currently over $60 a barrel. Evidence has been found in Europe and the states that oil companies have been shutting refineries a lot over the years and not opening new ones to replace the old ones. They simply max out the current ones; this is causing a shortage in refining in the market when anything happens to them. The market is only so sensitive because demand increases year on year, production stays the same. Natural events closing refineries causes an instant ripple affect.

If you look at Asia and the middle east you will find that they are building refineries like they are going out of fashion so they can take refining control away from western companies that seem to be racketeering the refining market for there own greedy purpose with some possible help from governments.

I wouldn?t be surprised if the companies make weak applications for new refineries in the likely hood of them getting turned down.

Yes I totally agree that the government takes more that its fair share in tax, but it?s a percentage of the total amount not a set amount. The petrol companies have just as much an incentive as the government in the raising prices. Also has anyone checked the price of their in station goods as well? The companies are making record profits and not caring.

There is more than enough oil coming out the ground at the minute, it?s the lack of refining that?s causing the bigger issue and that?s where the oil companies come in to the equation.

Please read this article on BBC news, it makes an enlightened read. I feel that the BBC is a good source of reporting unlike other forms of media. Shortage of Refining or Oil?.


"There are no firm expansions in refining capacity, not just in the US but in North America, South America and Europe. All of the expansions are in the Middle East and Asia."

Also for note on new refineries (Copied from BBC):

600,000bpd refinery near Kuwait City, upgrades to refineries in Al Ahmadi and Mina Abdullah.

New refinery in Tuban, Indonesia.

Nigeria are investing over $2bn in refinery capacity

Saudi Arabia are to spend $11.3bn upgrading some existing refineries, new plant at Yanbu on the Red Sea.

Saudi Aramco is investing in joint ventures overseas in China in Qingdao and Fujian.

All are OPEC and none will be finished before 4-5 years time, also note this may shift world power more in favor those countries in time as well.

Is it me or do I get the impression things are only going to get worse? face-icon-small-sad.gif

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<< Callum,

I sell IT services for Computacenter. I know what margins we work with.

If a guy from shell tells me they take 20p a litre then in my eyes, hes right until found out to be a bullshatter.

My point is... for the clever clever people that seem to miss every clearly worded point i make.

The government are crooks

Rant over. >>

If that the case then why not point out that the governments taxes are increases as a year on year percentage.....

Like this >>


I did not miss your point, I merely pointed out that fuel prices were higher as a consequence of the higher oil price. I don't disagree with why your hacked off and yes on occasion tax is badly spent but as you can see below, they hardly p1ss it away !


Pete - I don't doubt what you say either but some of these companies would never have gotten oil out of the ground without Shells experience.........

And for the record I paid £1.09 for BP ultimate a while back so it ain't just Shell who are the bad boyz.

And if you have a pension of any sort you'll ;likely find that it's linked to the oil price somewhere so there are plus points too face-icon-small-smile.gif

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<< If that the case then why not point out that the governments taxes are increases as a year on year percentage..... >>

if thats the case why not stop busting my balls and take the thread as its meant ffs.

if i wanted to get charts, graphs, powerpont, organise a meet so we could discuss it i would have.

geez peace.

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Pete - I don't doubt what you say either but some of these companies would never have gotten oil out of the ground without Shells experience.........

And for the record I paid £1.09 for BP ultimate a while back so it ain't just Shell who are the bad boyz.

And if you have a pension of any sort you'll ;likely find that it's linked to the oil price somewhere so there are plus points too face-icon-small-smile.gif >>

Dont disagree Callum m8, but you have to understand that these companies are now pumping the world for money they shouldn't be. I also understand the linkage to oil companies share prices and general stock funds.

But there is a future ahead and its looking like they dont have a choose. Refine more or someone else will do it for them and at a cheaper price. Oil companies dont truely own the oil at the end of the day. They just mine it for the country/government on the governments terms/rules.

Looks like Asia and the middle east will have the last laugh at this rate face-icon-small-blush.gif

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