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After Market Exhausts:

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We had our 6 monthly visit from VOSA in work during the week to check our mot station.

Very soon traffic cars and roadside checkpoints will be equipped with decimeters.

In effect if your exhaust is too noisy you will more than likely be fined,endorsed,your car will be towed away and it will cost you a fortune to get it back.

Prohibition notices are also being served for tinted windows which means you have to fork out to get the tints removed,you have to pay for a full mot regardless of the cars age plus the fine and points of course.

They are about to clampdown hard on modified motors.

Happy Motoringface-icon-small-mad.gif


I second thatface-icon-small-mad.gif

What is defined as too loud for an exhaust then?

Are there any guidelines and where can these be seen?

I take it that these dec. meters will be calibrated and certified etc??



Do you think there will be the chance to visit the Police on your own behalf and get them to check your exhaust without them demanding its changed if it fails the test??

Probably not so I'll just resort to the "Tw@ts!!!!!" reply too.... face-icon-small-disgusted.gif




Thats BO**OX

You should have the chance to change it back 21 day or 7 day ticket....

I am sure if you handled the ossifers correctly you would get that option?



I think the cops should be focusing thier resources on arresting junkies and paedo's etc.

I wouldnt worry cause you hardly ever see a traffic unit out patroling nowadays as they

depend on speed cameras.

Seems quite petty going after folk with noisey exhausts.


Hopefully they will taget the 1.0litre brigade with pipes louder than Spitfires!!!!!!!!!

Performace exhaust's don't have to be loud as WRXMANIA may tell us soon!!! face-icon-small-tongue.gifface-icon-small-wink.gif


On the subject of exhuasts and the old subject of throwing away that catalyst thing,

I read something on SN a while back regarding emissions tests on the older imports ie my 95 Sti Ra.

The story was along the lines of, because these early cars had no equivalent over hear they couldn't carry out a specific test instead they could only do a basic CO level etc and most importantly no lambda test?

I've heard people say this is no longer the case but it would be dam handy if it was.



<< Hopefully they will taget the 1.0litre brigade with pipes louder than Spitfires!!!! >>

i very much doubt it m8 ..i would put my money on them making a b-line straight for scoobies etc.





On a saner note, if your car is a UK car of any make, if it was registered before Aug 93 then you dont get the emissions test, cats were not groovey then.

If your import car was built in 1995 or before then its the same, ie no emissions test. Its the LAW!! Oh and there are no plans to change that law because it is so trivial. The before mentioned Chave window tinting, 998cc exhaust ripping, laws will tighten.

Thank God for 1995, the STI RA, my calculator, the taxpayer and Andy Forrest.

However, dont get excited Kenny and expect to swap saliva, and to share warm showers til the wee hours of the morning, Your car and the Falcon share only 2 things, the letters R and A.



<< Performance exhaust's don't have to be loud as WRXMANIA may tell us soon!!! face-icon-small-tongue.gifface-icon-small-wink.gif >>

Yes - but still the small matter of warranty left - and, of course, cash. Also, with the 3" straight drainpipe I have under the car at the moment, there is no room for a silencer. That is the job served by the cats - at the moment. Need to rebuild the whole things to fit any silencers. A pity.

It does not need to be loud to be good BUT it does sound nice.

Brian face-icon-small-smile.gif


So unfair yet another thing to get nailed for on the road, i really think the police should try and focus more of their attention away from the motorists as they always seem to be the but end of some new initiative.

Although when i was thinking about it many of your performance cars like your Ferrari's and Porches have loud as hell exhausts as standard, if they were to be fair that would mean a ban on those cars to!! Do they even make silenced exhausts for a Ferrari face-icon-small-wink.gif


" Your car and the Falcon share only 2 things, the letters R and A."

They're both white face-icon-small-happy.gif

Give me a chance mate face-icon-small-sad.gif i've only had the car a few months.

Granted it may not be the most powerful thing right now but it's a dam sight better since Andy Forrest worked his magic.

Soon as i get my ass offshore and start earning some more dosh ill start ticking things off my wish list face-icon-small-happy.gif


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