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WRC Germany and the guys from down south

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Having met one of the guys the other day from down south (WARBY) who bought my spoiler, he mentioned the fact that they/ a lot of them went to the Germany WRC event and have been to loads of events throughout the world/europe to watch the WRC.

Does anyone know more about this and how we can organise a scottish contingent for the next one??? or at the start of the year sometime. March i think.

I have enclosed a photo of one of the guys chasing Peter Soljberg along the autobahn !!!!! WOW. what kind of fun are we missing here???????????/face-icon-small-shocked.gifface-icon-small-shocked.gif


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Chris its an SIDC thing mate. We booked it though the sidc and swrt. I am looking at arranging a trip to spain corsica or finland for next year. I will be posting in the CADS section of them SIDC so any 1 interested in this please feel free to post in CADS under the thread titled Sent Kristy @ SWRT an email.

The more the better.

If there is more interest in it i will start a thread in the events section.

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