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Bowling night

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<< down in somersetface-icon-small-sad.gif long way from youface-icon-small-sad.gifface-icon-small-sad.gif >>

wiltshire ed dont you know you geographyface-icon-small-wink.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif >>

someone answered in my name mate...............hhhhmmmm wonder who that was?


Original bowling place was a little out in nowhere so took a cental point

Ok yet another bowling night after the success of the first night,

We are just going to go along and see when we can bowling as booking means we have to pay it all before the dau and im sorry but i dont have the financies to do that.

It will be at the bowlplex in longwell green again as it has a great atmosphere.

Names on list please:-

1) s.p and ed

2) Neil g and hannah

3) Beachsleeper and scoobylove


<< 1) s.p

2) Neil g and hannah

3) Beachsleeper and scoobylove

4) robocop and sharon

5) ed >>

Why not s.p and ed?

Bit of distance between you two. The gossip will be starting soon?


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