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I was driving through Glasgow city center at lunchtime when i noticed steam coming from under the bonnet, i stopped and checked and sure enough there was water lying arround the engine bayface-icon-small-shocked.gif so i shot out to Hypertech without even phoning, when i got there Duncan stopped what he was doing and fixed it in 15 minutesface-icon-small-smile.gif (turned out to be just a knackered jubilee clip)

Now thats what i call service, cheers Duncan your a starface-icon-small-cool.gifface-icon-small-smile.gif


Mine's booked in next Friday. Whiteline alloy droplinks all around, Red Stuff pads all around, Cusco front strut brace and a trip to pro-grip for geometery.

Cannae wait.


No point in doing things by half Chris. Are these £50 for a pair of strut braces on ebay any good? I'm sure as hell not taking a gamble.

I'll only live once.

Plus it'll look DAMN good.

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