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Greetings from Texas Where everything is bigger!

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Hey yall, after my last exciting tussle with the keyboard in Washington DC I have been lying low, (ahem)

however I now feel its time to bring you up to date with whats been happening. I have been on vacation in Texas for 2 and a half weeks now at the Tax payers expense and I just want to say that I havent wasted your money, Ive had a ball. I hired a Ford Mustang for 3 weeks because i couldnt get the new Dodge charger. It has been a blast. Its only the V6 version but still puts out about 260bhp and plenty torque. I have been stopped by state troopers oubre aller der platz for speeding but my charm and wit has saved me every time with only written warnings and an invite for a beer.

All american cars seem to be straight line cars and even the sporty ones handle like a battleship at high sea. Perfect example was I was returning from Fredericksburg in the rain with a friend when I looked at the traction control button and thought "I dont need that pish," and switched it off. The wheels would spin no problem (Tyres are way different compounds over here) but alll seemed ok. My friend said "Hey! lets visit that vinyard for wine tasting!" I said ok, the turning was nearly upon us so I turned in sharp and hit the brakes..........The car slid sideways at about 35mph.... my bowls opened.... I hit the power opposite locked and power slid through the gate onto the gravel much to the annoyance of the oncoming Chevvy Suburban driver who bore a striking resemblence to Tony Soprano. Traction control is there for a reason.

On the Subaru front, I have not made it to any meets, mainly due to the fact of the great distances involved, partly due to me waxing the fin, and mainly because of alcoholic beveridge.

Of the subarus I have encountered, I find it hard to fathom that STIs come with 2 pot brakes!!! And thats the 2.5s!! Induction temps are 98 degrees upwards and with cooling they are happy with 70 degrees!!! I will remember that next time heat soak has me in a flap at crail. They use cryo cooling on thier fuel, induction and intercooling if they are getting serious, and I have even seen iced water heat exchangers being used to intercool/ Chargecool. Max boost Ive seem was.......... 40psi however his bore was sleeved to take the compression. I would love to have seen his crank and his bearings however. That was the car that reputed to have 505 lb ft of torque. I can confirm he ran a low 10, however I saw Mikey Sinhg run an 8.85 in a competition WRX and doubt it was 4WD so you never can tell.

Work wise, all is well, I have met some very interesting people both civvy and military. Just on a point of interest I met a civilian rep for a military hardware company who knew his onions and really impressed me, it wasnt until after he was gone and we had had a good blether and exchanged e mails numbers etc that I discovered he was the Delta Force dude who managed to escape from a downed Blackhawk in the infamous "Blackhawk down" incident. Amazing but true.

So, time marches on and my return draws nearer. Ill be completely honest with you and say that I really dont want to come back, but who knows what the future holds.

I have bought mods for my car, of course I have, they are inbound as we speak!! (Nudge nudge coulty!!)

And I have loads of photos, but being a mongolian horseman when it comes to PCs, Ill bring them back on disc and post them once home.

I also have a bunch of presents for some of youz!!

See you all mid september

Callum W

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Sounds like your having a blast !! i have started the regime and hope to be at the required aunthentication digits on your return to this location. It seems like only yesterday you departed blightey for the US of gay and now your inbound this location figures 28days.

Ive spent longer in Colchester and no doubt the days will frly by until your back at the RV and we are doing our OWN FLY BY'S again !!!

The operation covert will be completed on the 29th August with good potential output figures to comment on under the bonnet. i can hardly wait.

supposed to be out with the squirrel this evening for driving ehancement tuition mit left foot braking skills, however halleys in their usual fashion have let the side down with their nonsense and my car wont be returned until next Monday. First weekend minus the deathstar for as long as i can remember. Alchohol is going to be needed if i cant drive fast anywhereface-icon-small-shocked.gif

I will call you again in a few days. keep in touch with yourself LOL and dont be going into vinyards with strange men cos they say they want to show you their grapes !!! dangerous.

13st 9 here i come. i have stopped buying bread and cakes and have stocked up on more regal kingsize than i could ever smoke. i will though.

see you soon YGC

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Sounds like your having a very good time Wilky, those temps for the induction are something else face-icon-small-shocked.gif. No wonder they sometimes run with cryo. hmmmmm

Cryo cooling here......... face-icon-small-happy.gif

Looking forward to your return with the pictures and you getting Chris back under control face-icon-small-wink.gif

The dam man thinks he can drive now since you left lol face-icon-small-smile.gif

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