Gumball Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 jools were u or are u the OIM on the ensco 101?
~ ~ Cal ~~ Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 I keep on meaning to mention that one of the biggest bonuses of working offshore is that you can pretty much live where ever you wish (within reason ). Usually, you are not tied to an onshore location and I know of lots of folk who stay in france, spain and even Thailand..
scuba dou Posted August 17, 2005 Posted August 17, 2005 Chris; that was I said the blind man Was OIM on the 101 since I joined her during the build and then the commissioning phase out in Singapore Sept 99. Took her to Europe in Q1 of 2000 and was offshore Denmark until mid March 2005. She is in the East Irish Sea right now for Centrica and soon to move round to the SNS off Norwich and go to work for Tullow on the ex Shell assets. Onshore based in the Abz office now. Don?t tell me you were out there as well at some point
Gumball Posted August 17, 2005 Posted August 17, 2005 Jools i was there for one trip on the 101 during July 2004 i think. worked on the 72 for six months as a roustaout then did a couple of trips on the floor before going to the 101 for 3 weeks. I think when i was there we were drilling for most of the last week, and had re-roped the top drive. Marcus was the driller with a guy called smiechel, nigel risborough and Scott the AD??? Think my old mans a coy man on the 80? at the moment, Martin.
scuba dou Posted August 17, 2005 Posted August 17, 2005 Chris, I used to spend a couple of weeks with Marcus Bruce; he is TP now and Scott is Driller and as for that Ugly Derrickman called smiechel; he's also promoted. If it was the time we changed out the drill line on the Drawworks we were definitely out there together; I was on the floor for the whole bloody night and we did it in good time, without incident I may add. Small world, ain?t it
Gumball Posted August 17, 2005 Posted August 17, 2005 you can tell i dont work offshore anymore. the drill line on the drawworks, thats the one shmeikel is promoted also???? surely on knowledge and ambition rather than patter and looks !!! LOL meant to ask...whos that lunatic crane operator? dark haired nutter?
Guest Posted August 18, 2005 Posted August 18, 2005 im currently an apprentice instrumentation tech. seems to be plenty of jobs going especially in my trade can't seem to get enough young lads like myself. is a huge skills shortage as im the youngest on the rig by 10 years and the average age is 50+ so will be even more jobs shortly!! Carl davie i know one of the guys in the office involved with ur rig Alistair Duthie ring any bells??
Carl Davey Posted August 18, 2005 Posted August 18, 2005 That does ring a bell Ciaran. I've only been on Bruce one trip however along with a trip in the office so still finding my feet as it were.
Guest Posted August 18, 2005 Posted August 18, 2005 well think he is in charge of your rig and a couple others il find out. he will prob be the waaannk onshore who balls down the phone at ur supervisors!!
scuba dou Posted August 19, 2005 Posted August 19, 2005 Chris, Crane Op.....Garbo perhaps Bit scary to look at, but a nice fellow once you get past the brashness and tattoos. From Gt Yarmouth, Norwich area/ That ring a bell?
Steve Gold Posted February 13, 2022 Posted February 13, 2022 Folks beware of a chap called George Mackenzie sparrows offshore manager,they owe me 11K in unpaid salary and as per signed contract. A charlatan. Beware.
Eddie mcintosh Posted December 13, 2023 Posted December 13, 2023 Hi has anybody worked on lay barge 23 in the early 70s pipe laying barge working in the North Sea off the coast of Scotland I was working out of Great Yarmouth for company called welditt engineering and we were contracted to j ray McDermott . Eddie Mcintosh
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