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the red squirrel rocket

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after hearing loads about, and seeing pictures of the Squirrel modding his car over the last week or so. (including one of him sitting on top of the engine working on it) i have had the privelage of riding shotgun in it on the way back from the Central Meet earlier tonight.


the type R turbo he has inserted in the car whines away and sounds awesome as the power delivery is fantastic !!

I thouroughly enjoyed the run back to glasgow and has furthered my case for buying a classic.

I love it.face-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif

couldnt see over the dashboard though as the pax seats in brighton deckchair modeface-icon-small-wink.gif

edited cos i cant spell Central Meat

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i didnt know if the chicken, steak, sausages, chips, gammon, eggs, or apple crumble was going to leave first.

The meal was equally as good as the run home. i saved £90 by not going out on the sauce and £20 optimax by cadging a lift there and back.

so i bought a nice cheeky "Glasgow Special"face-icon-small-wink.gif ICE Install this afternoon with my savings and the money i havent spent on subaru fuel this weekface-icon-small-smile.gif

pity about the £350 excess i need to fork out tomorrow.face-icon-small-mad.gif

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i thought you were like me " a listen to the car man" not the thumping tunes............

as for excess its a burden we all have..some more than others obviously..but being the old codger that i am....my £4.99 excess weighs heavy on my mind.....enjoy the install...

i've got some great john denver classics if your interested....

or every single ever released from kylie....before she got all cool face-icon-small-wink.gif

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i thought i would get some serious ICE installed for when im in urban mode !!! on the B roads it all gets turned over so i can hear my brain ticking over under immense concentration.

Just tok the head unit out the box and low and dehold...........

you can downlaod footage onto the screen. awesome. messages too.


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