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is it a bird? is it a plane? no its AWD PULSAR.

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I am not impressed with the attitude in this thread

Can we sort this out without the need for moderation

Thanks in advance


sorry phil but i dont think there was any need for a comment like wilkys as there are quite a few people on the

site who dont even own a subaru and not all the posts are subaru related, if every post was subaru related it would

be less interesting, just my view on thingsface-icon-small-wink.gif


Totally agree Jason.

I`ve not owned a scoob for 7 months now.

Although, i do intend to buy one as soon as my Civic is sold.

But puts you off coming here when the banter turns sour.


that wasent a dig at you or anyone who doesnt own a scoob, just a point about the subaru

only posting that wilky was on aboutface-icon-small-wink.gif

also i agree about the posts on this thread turning things a bit sour and i also hate it when

people cant just get along and have some banter as thats what we are on the site for

i.e to make new friends, talk about the things we love (subaru's) and more or less have a chat.

i also appologise for adding negative comments but my view on the issue still stands


Anyway as phil said lets get the thread back on track

thats a mega fast car, well done daveface-icon-small-wink.gif


back on track klface-icon-small-happy.gif Are there many 10 sec cars floating around scotland at the moment? I know of Andy f scooby which is a great achievement, and think calder had one.


TO ALL CONCERNED...............................................

I woke up behind the sofa in my hotel room this morning with a pizza inside my shirt and a head like a bag of spanners. I was in Cyote ugly in Washington last night and got bloto. I have obviously come back drunk and decided to bam you all up by posting something outragous and controversial and it was unfortunate that I chose this thread. Its not big and its not clever, Im being honest here I dont want to make up crap excuses or follow an arguement I dont believe in.

Im very sorry for having a go at your pulsar, I have no idea why I chose this subject to have a go, probably because it was the first one I looked at. I probably couldnt afford to build a car that quick and it was in no way jelousy, probably just drunkeness.

To those of you who know me I do like a bit of banter, however I am not known for this type of nonsense.

Again im very sorry, I was up at AWD a few months ago and was very impressed with all I saw.

It takes a bigger man to say sorry, so thats what Im doing.

I have deleted the cringworthy post.

Phil Im very sorry.

Swannie Im very sorry.

Paddy Im very sorry.

I hope this is enough to make amends. If it isnt then let me know when I get back from overseas and we can step outside and roll our sleeves up like gentlemen.

Callum Wilkinson


Cheers Callum.

I knew that myself when I spotted it but Phil had already acted on it.

Stay safe my son and you're welcome to sleep behind my couch as usual.


Everyone is allowed to be an a$$hole once in a while and that was my turn. No offence intended.

Duggy I would rather sleep behind your couch than on your torture rack spare bed.face-icon-small-wink.gif



<< Duggy I would rather sleep behind your couch than on your torture rack spare bed.face-icon-small-wink.gif

Callum >>

Eek !! Glad i`ve never asked to stay at Dougs hoose !! face-icon-small-wink.gif


You'd be on the 'rack' with the Texas Ranger!!!

(which is in fact rather comfortable as I am ousted from my usual resting place on a regular basis!!!! face-icon-small-disgusted.gifface-icon-small-tongue.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif )


Thanks Wilky

Your post is appreciated

I have also edited the comments out of those who had taken your post as a quote

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