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Wow im away for five minutes and miss all the fun !!!!face-icon-small-wink.gif

Thanks for al those who have stuck up for Pele ......

I would like to add a few comments though.....

Pele has had a lot of personal problems during the last 6 months and she has battled through them with the support of several of the club members, i wont mention names they all know who they are and i personally thank them for being there for her .....

Gaham 72 has said about more meets which is a fine idea but,..... when Pele makes meets be it by herself or with the aid of Dean and Ian , how many people who SAY they will be there ACTUALLY turn up, a good example was the SBO, Dean asked how many would be attending and even though many said they would be there, how many actually turned up ????????

Also he has pointed out that there is a gang or group within Kentscoobies, maybe there is but that is because that is the regular body of members who can be bothered to put themselves out and devote time to each meet and show !!! Its so much a group it is the club !!!! although you will also notice that any new members quickly become part of that group too which only makes the club stronger.

As for locations the ones we use are the most convienent for ALL of our members and it has been discussed on numerous occasions. We have tried others but we found attendance levals dropped because of journey time or work/family commitments. Last year we attended meets all over the country but slowly one by one the amount of people who turned up became less.

As for the T-Shirts they have been mentioned this year on a few occasions but to little or no response, a lot of members already have there own already but I will be organising merchandise for the club very shortly , so watch this space !!!!!

And one thing i would like to point out is that Pele does not run this club as her own, but it should be pointed out that if SHE had not devoted HER time and effort to the club ,KentScoobies would not be here still today !!!!! So in a way the club is hers BUT its about the members ....

As it has been pointed out the club needs a boost which it is about to get and there will be a lot of changes over the next month which will make a lot of difference.

I have to agree to one point made by Jo aka Numptyboy, and that is how many meets has Graham72 actually been too ???? And why does it matter to him so much if he is selling his car ????

Anyway enough of this, thanks to all the KentScoobies who turn up to the meets and take an interest, i know things have been slack but they are about to pick up in a big way !!!!

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LOL attending anger management classes at the mo face-icon-small-mad.gif

Lol only joking face-icon-small-wink.gif

Just thought things should be put straight a little thats all, all the negative comments but no praise for the hours of time given over the past few years.

But as i said things will be changing for the better



My turn to rant

a couple of us tried to organise a rwyb for today and to say the least there was a slight lack of interest!

i have put another post up about the guilford cruise, hopefully more than 5 will try to make it.

this club should be a team effort, not left to one person to make it work! its not difficult to organise a small meet or cruise and its not difficult to make an effort, and if you cant go say so! at least people know there threads are being read!

So come on people lets all make this club work!



Barry it was much apprieciated but you also have to take into consideration a lot of peop;e have families and need a few weeks notice for things like this.

Well done on your times though and glad the engine never went BOOOOOOOM lol



yeah im selling my car and that is one of the reasons im now saying what has been needed to be said for a long time!

ive only came to one meet at the wharf and was so dissapointed with it, i couldnt justify the hour or so drive and the cost to go to anymore, i made myself known to pele at that meet and basically got blanked which was well noticed by the people that came up with me, i also went to fast show, blanked again but at least dean and ian were keen to talk!

also up at elite, blanked, just think for someone who is supposed to be the boss and holding kentscoobies together she needs to be more friendly to new members and open to ideas which she hasnt been in the slightest!

yeah im saying all this now because im selling my car, and i couldnt really give a s**t if people get the arse with me about it, the club sucks at the moment and it could be so much better, i do hope the club pulls through but its gonna need a lot of changes, i just hope that when i get sorted and get myself another scoob that there will be a thriving, fun club that i would be proud to say i am a member of! face-icon-small-happy.gif


graham72 i wish you all the best and am sorry that you felt that you were not made welcome, i do thank you for the comments you have made and hope we can take these on board and make this a club that we can all be proud of.

Thank you



So you have only ever come to ONE meet and from this you can make a judgement of a club and its members ???

The meet you attended was most likely one of the very few that Pele was under alot of pressure from personal problems, which although this is no excuse has a lot of bearing on the her general attitude at the time. I would also like to point out and im sure there are a lot of people who will back me up , that although she was having problems she carried on regardless and kept the club going.

As for blanking people that is one thing Pele cannot be accused of, seeing as she personally greats all the new members to the club !!!!!!! She even apoligises to the regular crew because she feels she is ignoring them during this time !!!!!

What bothers me the most is that you have only just stood up and said all this stuff, just as your taking a break from Subaru ownership, if you felt this way before now why not send a private message to Pele or make a point of saying something to one of the club members at a meet.

Or maybe make an effort to talk to a few of us !!!!!!! I talk to everyone and i cant put a face to your name !!!!!!!face-icon-small-confused.gif

Its a shame you feel this way but could not make a point of saying what you felt when it mattered, but we all look forward to seeing you at one of our future meets when you decide on Subaru ownership again



Its a shame you feel this way but could not make a point of saying what you felt when it mattered, but we all look forward to seeing you at one of our future meets when you decide on Subaru ownership again

I'm with Loony Toon on this.

I'm a newbie and as of yet don't know anyone but I'm sure I will.

If you had a problem with the club then you should have said something to the people in question at the time. Deciding to open your mouth now that your selling your scooby is a bit lame mate.


i think i have spoke to you, the meet i went to at the wharf jan or feb, (bad memory) pele parked up next to me and i had a chat with the bloke in the car with her who said he had had a scoob and was planning to get another, was chatting about fmic's and general mods! i know i probably of should something earlier but i didnt want to kick up a stink and end up with even less people talking to me! lol


Mate , nobody would have said a thing if you had just said how you feel !!!!

Thats what a club is about, we are all open to suggestions ( even if we have to run them by the club Little Boss ) !!!!!



dal its not lame mate, it needed to be said and if the only way of bringing all this out in the open is a rant publicly, then fine.

its got people talking about the whole situation and that can only be good for the club as a whole!

i am only one opinion, one voice but hopefully now ive kicked up a fuss, there will be more opinions and more voices to be listened to and the club will go onwards and upwards!!!!

btw welcome to the club, we are (usually) a friendly bunch on here! face-icon-small-tongue.gif


Can we bring this to a end please, the same comments are being repeated over & over now and it's not helping the situation.

Thank You



<< Will see you at the next meet if your there and im sure Pele will take you close to her bossom !!!!!! and give you a big hug !!!! >>

Can i rejoin face-icon-small-wink.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif

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