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Completely Off-Topic - Tax Return Form Help?

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Here's a nifty Tax Calculator face-icon-small-smile.gif

I had the tax man on my back a while ago - they are very unorganised. I had different

branches chases me for something I had cosed out ages ago...........they are a feckin bunch

of pests.......

Its pisses me off that you be proactive with them and then they chase you for something you declared

years ago.

Here's a message for Tony Blair and his stealth tax click me

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Spooky - I got one this morning too. An exact copy of the one I got two days ago.They screwed up my car tax a couple of years ago and have hounded me since they found out. They say I'm due over £500 in interest and late payment fines. I say I'm not as it was their cock-up. I'm now dealing with Cumbernauld, Edinburgh, Stirling and Merseyside - all over the same damned thing.

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Information you'll need for filling it in....

- Total pay for last year and tax paid (get all this from your P60).

- Personal pension contributions info (if you're a high rate tax payer you might be able to claim BACK money !!)

- Details of any dividends received in the last tax year (and tax paid)

- Details of all interest paid on your bank accounts (and tax paid)

- Details of any company expenses paid

As far as I can remember this is all I usually need as I'm on PAYE and don't have a company car or anything complicated. The first one is a bit of a b1tch, but they get easier over time. I'll be on my 5th one this year face-icon-small-sad.gif.

If you dump a lot into a personal pension, the good news is you should get some cash back (if you're a high rate payer), as the pension companies only give you tax relief at the lower rate, but you're entitled to it at the high rate. This can amount to a reasonable amount of cash if you put decent amounts into your pension. If it's a company pension forget it though, as it's paid before tax anyway.

Have fun, and don't leave it till the last minute, as they always take longer than you think!! You may also need to request information from your employer/pension companies if you can't find everything you need immediately.



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I bought taxcalc which costs about £19.99 a year, (and is tax deductable). I do about 4 or 5 a year and the software is superb and really easy to use. It gives you all the tips etc aswell. Once you have put all the info in you can submit it online also. It also saves last years return so you don't need to put in duplicate info every year.

Its made by Intuit and won loads of Which magazine awards. It doesn't usually come out until about July/August though.

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