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Marvellous May Highland Gathering........DETAILS!!

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really?? face-icon-small-shocked.gifface-icon-small-tongue.gif

mental note to self.......

" must not give the route guide to peeps who turn up in white pimp mobiles with flourescent marzipan down the side and stupid blue neons on the roof "[i/]

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<< really?? face-icon-small-shocked.gifface-icon-small-tongue.gif

mental note to self.......

" must not give the route guide to peeps who turn up in white pimp mobiles with flourescent marzipan down the side and stupid blue neons on the roof "[i/] >>

LMFAO!!!! face-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-wink.gif


lmao i must remember that, I was refering to any details like even meeting place, if they know where you are meeting then they know where you are leaving from. or is that not a valid point?


<< lmao i must remember that, I was refering to any details like even meeting place, if they know where you are meeting then they know where you are leaving from. or is that not a valid point? >>

Yes valid point but they do not know what direction we are taking and as always the first leg of the roote will be taking at a sedate pace until we reach the fun area. This stops us attracting any undue attention until we hit the deserted area and it will conserve fuel

For any Bacon Butties that might be reading this

A, We are all heading for Fife area in a big convoy to create choas at Crail.

B, Why you not out looking for Spince's car



On the aproach to the inveralmond roundabout coming from glasgow/edinburgh there is a laybye about 150yards from there, the traffic and the wee camera van sit and do speed traping there every other week, AWD is just of the inveralmond roundabout in inveralmond ind est. keep an eye out for this one.face-icon-small-wink.gif


Re :- The Feds............

I bury those cocka-roaches !!


Seriously - enjoy the twisties with the odd nudge above the NSL and you have nowt to fear.....

Drive above 100 mph and it's HORT1 / NIP time - I learned my lesson ages ago face-icon-small-wink.gif


On the LLS run last year we had the Traffic boys mooch around the carpark at the start..........when they saw we were no trouble they left!!!

Then at Inverary another traffic car turned up, this time the guy hada chat asking who we were and what we were doing, when they were told they were brand new about it and said to enjoy ourselves but just to watch the speed as there were alot of tourist traffic about and other traffic cops...............then they left!!!!

We then saw a couple more traffic cars on various parts of the route....................again no hassles!!!!

If you are not seen to be dicking about then they should leave us alone as we are only out for a sunday jaunt.

At the end of the day if they are gonna pull us they will..........................that's life!!!!



<< If you are not seen to be dicking about then they should leave us alone as we are only out for a sunday jaunt. >>

i agree with Andy.

the lotus bunch were pulled cos an irate driver that had been (allegedly recklessly) overtaken called the police.

if peeps on our run are sensible, follow the highway code and keep to the speed limit, we should not get any hassles.

The behaviour of the entire convoy will dictate the mood of the day and any problems that may arise.

Judging by previous runs, most of you peeps have a sensible head on you.

For the mentally unhinged crew (u know who u r), if you have the urge to drive fast or dangerously or overtake on a blind bend on the wrong side of the road, think about your actions and what consequences it may have on future jaunts.

The police will pull you if they think you are a danger to yourself or others on the road,

otherwise they may give u a wave and point you in the right direction if you went the wrong way! face-icon-small-wink.gif




<< otherwise they may give u a wave and point you in the right direction if you went the wrong way >>

wrong way - pah! - just a little detour face-icon-small-wink.gif - my excuse - an R O stole my map face-icon-small-tongue.gif lol


bttt u go.

just over a month left.

come on peeps,

- get ur mods fitted and tested;

- car washed, waxed, polished and hoovered ;

- wheels sparkling;

- cd collection sorted;

- cameras ready; and

- send the missus out to get flasks, portable chairs, picnic blankets and disposable BBQs.

a good family day out for all on the 22nd May!



"come on peeps, "

"- get ur mods fitted and tested;"


"- car washed, waxed, polished and hoovered ;"

What is this washing thing?

"- wheels sparkling;"

does not compute

"- cd collection sorted;"

Val doonican and Daniel o'Donnel always ready

"- cameras ready; and "

"- send the missus out to get flasks, portable chairs, picnic blankets and disposable BBQs. "

No need for the chairs. Just open the hatch and sit on the blanket. Wagon's Rule BTW

Zeolite's stealth wagon concept is hoping to be there.


hey peter

yeah sure u can bring the family on the may gathering. it will prob take most of the day though.

the gathering is structured mainly for driving through our fabby countryside.

As long as your kids like riding in the scoob, there should be no probs.

it depends what you want out of the day as well, there are folk that will want to test the performance of their cars and then there are some quite happy to doddle along at a more sedate pace.

we have worked food stops/rest stops into the day and there is time to blether/take photos/run about/stick your head under several bonnets of scoobs at the rest stops.

if you have any Q's, pm me or TheSquirrel555.



a wee reminder of the list for the May Gathering

please remove your name if you are unable to attend.

It helps us plan parking requirements,

need to make sure we dont park on the side of the road a la Mad March Run face-icon-small-cool.gif



2. Swiggi + S6CUB

3. TheSquirrel + micra_wrc

4. sti-zlv

5. wrx mania

6. madmonk

7. Corsa

8. Grovit

9. Playsatan

10. 2559B

11. rallye 6

12. Weeb

13. Wilky

14. ScoobyAndy

15. gr555


17. Pedro

18. sheep

19. Grant

20. Jambo ( without the kids)

21. ImprezaPete

22. Cal

23. Higgy

24. Karps


26. Krakann

27. Johnny

28. DC turbo

29. kartman

30. Dad

31. jimmymc (22nd)

32. Paddy247

33. sKunk

34. Seevers

35. Gee WR1

36. Miss Scooby

37. Spooks


39. Lordharding

40. Don Mega

41. Si,s Scoob

42. scoobykev

43. Dorikin aka Nyle; in his nice shiny GT4 WRC

44. Keevster(Paul.)

45. Rice Rocket + Rice Rockette

46. Billyboy + The Wife

47. P1ggm(gordo

48. fai 17 + wife + 2 kids



2. Swiggi + S6CUB

3. TheSquirrel + micra_wrc

4. sti-zlv

5. wrx mania

6. madmonk

7. Corsa

8. fai 17 + wife + 2 kids

9. Playsatan

10. 2559B

11. rallye 6

12. Weeb

13. Wilky

14. ScoobyAndy

15. gr555


17. Pedro

18. sheep

19. Grant

20. Jambo ( without the kids)

21. ImprezaPete

22. Cal

23. Higgy

24. Karps


26. Krakann

27. Johnny

28. DC turbo

29. kartman

30. Dad

31. jimmymc (22nd)

32. Paddy247

33. sKunk

34. Seevers

35. Gee WR1

36. Miss Scooby

37. Spooks


39. Lordharding

40. Don Mega

41. Si,s Scoob

42. scoobykev

43. Dorikin aka Nyle; in his nice shiny GT4 WRC

44. Keevster(Paul.)

45. Rice Rocket + Rice Rockette

46. Billyboy + The Wife

47. P1ggm(gordo

Sorry folks, not going to be able to make this one - have update the list above, and put user Fai 17 in the place where I was (no. 8). Hope you have a great run.


Coulty, LOL

well........... are you and your missus free that day and will your scoob running A-OK?

Add your name to the list if you can make it to this one then.

I dont want to add your name and then remove it, you may decide to turn up but not go on the run!

dunno if you can be my MAIN man again tho' Stuart, i seem to have a following of 45+ scoobs that day face-icon-small-wink.gif



when will we get a idea of the route.

Just that I will be coming down from the highlands only to return

I get the idea we won't know until the day

but if I could get a wee idea so that I can arrange a sitter etc.

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