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I gave her six inches

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and she handled it with ease. I gave her 9 inches and she took that too. I gave her 18 inches and she said WTF? face-icon-small-smile.gif

Was at my folks this weekend. One mile private farm track. Never had so much fun in the snow. She flew until I got too bold and bellied her. There is NO dignity in having your Scooby hauled out arse-first by a tractor face-icon-small-sad.gif

Grip wasn't a problem and I was well impressed with her first real trial in snow. I was flying in and out the road earlier to try and keep it open and she went through 2 foot drifts no problem. Any vehicle will belly out given enough underneath and that's what happened. See attachments for loss of dignity!

Jeez these forums are bloody hard to upload photos. Uploaded inages appear as page not found so have to delete post and re-post. What happened to %7Boption%7D tags?? face-icon-small-sad.gif


OMG ! That's a serious amount of snow..........

I love how the back ends kicks out in the snow when you plant it in a straight line..... face-icon-small-smile.gif

Did it by mistake in a narrow car lined street which was a tad alarming face-icon-small-shocked.gif

At least the chariots not damaged face-icon-small-happy.gif




It was fun, but I got over-cocky. I grew up there and learned to drive up there when we had REAL winters so snow doesn't bother me. I got out the road (a mile) and back with foot plus of drifts. It was wild, but fun. To go out again and come back a few hours later and expect to get through 2-3 feet of drifts was stupid. Even if I'd cleared the straight section ahead of me it was up to 5 feet deep afterwards and even my folks Jeep failed that task. Hurt a lot to leave my baby in the middle of nowhere against the elements though face-icon-small-sad.gif Fortunately the only indignity was being hauled out arse first by the local farmer who commented "Isn't that supposed to be 4WD?" and my front number plate being ripped off by a snowdrift.

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