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Changing bulbs on STI

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can anybody confirm if the following bulbs are the correct ones .

H1 and HB3 for a 2004 WRX STI.

I got a good price for PIAA Bulbs so just wanted to check these are the correct ones before i buy them on Sunday ?

Calling Squirrellface-icon-small-wink.gif


IIRC it is pretty fiddly and involves warming the whole light unit in the oven then prizing it apart to change the bulb, then back into the over to warm it so you can seal it again properly.

there should be a thread in either technical or general on how to do it in more depth but that is the jist of it.

Bit too much like f***ing around for a bulb change IMO

Good luck



Don't I know it Jamie!!!

Ordered my bulbs from them, ordered H4's as that was what it said. Waited a few weeks for a chance to fit them then, the usual - moved the battery to get to light one and - oh - the wrong bulbs.

So I now have H4's Osram Silver Series - the award winners - in the house - if anyone wants to buy a brand new bargain set of Osrams I will bring them to a meet near you - I will be at the Glasgow, Ayrshire and Edinburgh meets. A bargain £10?

The sidelights Davie are a paion as thy are a light cluster out job as the sidelight slot in the casing is actually in the wing area IIRC - you can't get to that bit without removing them. I am sure the manual says "Consult your Subaru Dealer" - DOH!

Brian face-icon-small-happy.gif


Yip you are right Brian, main light done but cant get the sidelights,to me it looks like you have to remove the following to change a two bob Bulb,well done subaruface-icon-small-mad.gif

1.Plastic engine undertray.

2.Front Grill.

3.Front Bumper.

4. lights


May try and wee call to the dealer to see if there is a wee hidden pocket somewhere.


Corsa, it isn't quite as bad as you think, the headlight can come by removing the grille then 3 IIRC bolts, all of which can be accessed from the engine bay, try a search on here or the other place face-icon-small-wink.gif for De-tangoing an '03 car.



<< Here is the link


Marc >>

Mark, there seems to be a problem with the link,my computer downright refuses to go thereface-icon-small-wink.gif

Will try that when i have a free night.


<< Right click and select "open in new window" >>

Jamie, sorry but i was being scarcastic meaning my computer refuses to go to scoobynet.

Sorry and thanks for the link.




But what a job trying to get the lights back in.

Well worth it with these ultra bright sidelights.

Thanks for all the help folks.


OH and no damage to the wings

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