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Endurance Karting Returns

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Happy new year everyone.

Apologies for the delay in getting the next endurance karting event sorted out, but we've now got a choice of two dates.

The venue is Racing Karts in Livingston - those of you with long memories will remember our first event there about 3 or 4 years ago! Their website is: Racing Karts Website

The event will be a 3 hour endurance race, on their indoor track, in teams of 4 drivers. We will use our tried and tested handicap system to give us close racing right to the end.

The cost will be £140 per team (£35 each for a team of 4), and we have a maximum of 10 teams permitted.

The two possible dates are:

a) Friday 7th February, 6pm arrival, practice starts prompt at 6:15, with the race starting at 7pm. No doubt we'll have the usual curry and beers afterwards!

B) Saturday 22nd February, 10:30am arrival, practice starts prompt at 10:45am, with the race starting promptly at 11:30am (there is another event starting at 3pm, so no slippage allowed!). Potential for an evening out afterwards with an overnight stay for non-locals.

Could you please reply if you are interested with the following info:

a) Friday 7th Feb only

B) Saturday 22nd Feb only


c) Either date suits.

The option with the most votes within the next two days will be chosen, and I'll send out a booking form.

As usual, there will be at least one or two teams made up of individual entries, so please don't feel left out if you can't make up a team.

Best Regards




all members more than welcome.

Looks like the 22nd is by far the most popular date so far based on the e-mail replies I've had so far.


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