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!!!!!! Kentscoobies in danger of closing !!!!!!

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Yes folks it could be happening !!!!

Due to Pele's personal Problems

Lets keep KentScoobies up and running and better than ever !!!!!!!!!

If you wish to help keep this Local Club Going please post here

Moderator Comments

I have removed many of the details from Tonys post as I feel it is not appropriate to air them in Public

Phil Stephens

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Pele and Lee have split up which I think is all people really need to know, although many people do know a little more detail.

Suffice to say that at the moment she does not feel she can commit to running the club.

I am sure with the support of the Kent Scooby members she will not disapear of the scene completely


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Pele and Lee's personal life is personal to them if they choose to air their views on this forum board I am sure they both will !

In the mean time Kent Scoobies has enough GOOD people to take the reigns if Pele steps down, I dont see that being so, it's business as usual.


p.s. Good luck to both of you, whatever you decide.

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I'd guessed something like that had happened but didn't want to say so on here - I echo Arrons words.

Having only had a scoob 3 months and found a group like Kent Scoobies that's run so well and has so many great members would be a great shame for it to end so here here in keeping it running and making it better then ever. Willing to help out however possible but hope Pele keeps up the good work with support from the rest of us!

Keep smiling all face-icon-small-happy.gif

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Dont worry were not going anywhere face-icon-small-tongue.gif

The club is going to get bigger and better and like Pele has said she has a few secret plans up her sleeve face-icon-small-wink.gif ( wet t-shirt comp, pole dancing, beer comp etc ) !!!!!!!!

Look forward to the first meet on the 21st at Nottcutts face-icon-small-happy.gif

Will be good to see old and new members alike face-icon-small-cool.gif


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  • 2 weeks later...

i have just got my computer up and running after a week or so and came across these various threads regarding pele and lee.

i have only had my scoob a couple of months and havent managed to attend a meet yet (must try harder) so havent met either of them yet. i just wanted to say, please mind what you say to each other in the heat of the moment, take a step back and look at yourselves because what happens now will affect you for a long time. sorry if i seem to be preaching but i had a similar situation 7 years back and my life has never been the same, several court cases later,a lot of money, two periods of heartbreak and no contact with my kids (months) and now my ex being charged with assaulting me and i wouldnt wish this on anyone.

i hope you can eventually become more amicable towards each other, but i admit it does take time (and a lot of effing + blinding/sobbing)

dont be rash and let the petty squabbles ruin absolutely everything as i did

good luck to you both

i have had help off a few people from kentscoobies regarding my car and it would be a shame to see it fold.


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