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Manx Scoobyfest 05

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<< What are you two talking aboutface-icon-small-shocked.gif

Hope you behave better than that at Scoobyfest Brianface-icon-small-wink.gif >>

I'm only keeping Paul updated on how many big sleeps left before we go.

What type of person do you think I amface-icon-small-happy.gif


1. Charlie & Antoinette

2. Rob, Pauline & not so little Matthew

3. Brian & Christine

4. Gordon & Pat

5. Simon & Lucy

6. Debbie & Paul

7. Andy & Eleanor

8. Graham & Paul

9. Ade,Ronnie & Elise

Updated List

Any more, need at least another 3 or 4 if possible please

Ta Ta

The Manxies


Who is staying @ the Adelphi before coming over (secure parking)

Also Graham (Champagne Boy) is looking to stay there, has anyone sorted out a deal?

I can PM you Graham's phone no (PC is Kna@@''d, & is coming over in the boot for DaveK & Dooahhdoo to kick about) for anyone else coming up from down south the day before

9 Weeks Todayface-icon-small-happy.gif

Ta Ta


Sherrif Scooby Island


Don't you have to be priveleged to be able to do stickys!!face-icon-small-wink.gif

Just had a good meet though,

Reckon we are gonna be able to pack a little more in our time this yearface-icon-small-happy.gif

Ta Ta



<< hope thay arnt gonna impose any new speed limits when we come over >>

Should be fine mate, these temporary ones will be gone by then

Fingers crossed!!!

Ta Ta



Not looking good. might not be able to get time off, rolling out a project the week before so might need to be around in case things go 'Kaput'. Fingers crossed.


<< Not looking good. might not be able to get time off >>

Scuse meface-icon-small-shocked.gif And miss your own Birthday Partyface-icon-small-wink.gif

We'll all keep our fingers crossed

Ta Ta


Sheriff of Scooby Island


<< Not looking good. might not be able to get time off >>

Scuse me And miss your own Birthday Party

We'll all keep our fingers crossed

And us as well, was looking forward to celebrating your birthday Ade



U guys are really crushing my bits. For your info, i've been working none stop on this gaddemn project since sunday evening. Fortunately Ronnie and Elise have not been around.

If it's not ready for July or doesn't pass testing, i'll smash someone's head. face-icon-small-mad.gif


PMSL @ Bob.

<< Hope you can make it Ade, I can't wait to see you with your 'shaft' wig in the gay bar >>

I guess the 'shaft' wig better stay in Essex then. LOL

I hope we can make it too.

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