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Big THANKS to Andy & Malkyface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-happy.gif

Graphics lookin da bizface-icon-small-wink.gif

Well done to Underground Graphics for helping out with the Santa Cruise Stickers,those that have ordered them won't be dissapointedface-icon-small-cool.gif

See you tomorrow, bright & earlyface-icon-small-smile.gif



Any chance of an update of Pressies ??

I've just got another 50 ! face-icon-small-happy.gif

Grant ... Was speaking to Scott the day .. about your PS2 suggestion .. It gave me an idea .. I'm going to donate a Gamescube boxed with 6 games .. thought it would be good for a ward esp with teenagers etc .. Does anyone here object ?





think that would be a great idea, as i know that in ward 5a there is an area where they have tv's so they would be able to set it up there or in one of the rooms within the ward.

well done



1. billyboy

2. WRCNo1



5. Scooby Santa,Andrew Jnr & Malky

6. Stiks ( possibly with little helpers - spending the cash at Toys'r'us tomorrow !!) cu at Asda R/royston 12.15

7. Stevo-Sti

total so far in the region of 170 prezzies with lots more to come in hopefully.

well done to EVERYONE in scottish scoobies.

ps. cant make Sat but il see you all on Sunday 12-1230, ADSA Robroyston. pm me if your not sure of directions


Just returned home with a lovely blue santa suite sporting full Subaru racing graphics, question is do i wear it saturday or reaveal this brand new mod to everyone on sunday face-icon-small-tongue.gifYOU DECIDE the voting starts nowface-icon-small-wink.gif


Does the 170 presents include the 40 my brother posted above ? If not we have got 45 know, should have some

more by Saturday. If it does then we stand at 175 presents with some more on the way, good stuff.

Stevo Sti has spoken to S&S and hopefully they should be getting us about 20 Subaru teddies as a donation

for the weekend.


Do we have a photographer on board yet?

If the only thing I could do was bring my camera and do a write up for True Grip I'd get the train up.


"other info = claire has started the banner 4 the cruise and claire will be taking the pics if no body is doing so."

I think we already have someone to take pictures, dont know if anyone else was going to write a report for true grip.

Karps how did you get on with the local papers ?


1. billyboy

2. WRCNo1



5. Scooby Santa,Andrew Jnr & Malky

6. Stiks ( possibly with little helpers - spending the cash at Toys'r'us tomorrow !!) cu at Asda R/royston 12.15

7. Stevo-Sti

8. The Squirrel

9. Devlin


1. billyboy

2. WRCNo1



5. Scooby Santa,Andrew Jnr & Malky

6. Stiks ( possibly with little helpers - spending the cash at Toys'r'us tomorrow !!) cu at Asda R/royston 12.15

7. Stevo-Sti

8. The Squirrel

9. Devlin

10. Grasshopper ( he did say he was coming and getting stickered up for it ?!? )


last reminder people

12-1230 at ASDA Robroyston which is the first exit off the m80 heading north. then to

my hoose ( wifes making homemade soup and sarnies for all face-icon-small-happy.gif )

off to yorkhill around 1.30

arrive about 2 pm if we take our time.

heres to a good day and a big THANK YOU to everyone for all the effort.


thanks gary m8 same with ur self's have a good 1.

we can think of all the happy faces 2 moro. face-icon-small-happy.gif


ps. here is a pic of the banner 4 2 moro people i think me and claire did a good job on it 4 doing it by hand and maybe next year we can get a proper banner made up so here we go people better than nothing face-icon-small-smile.gif

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