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Seat trouble !!!

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Morning all

noticed a problem with my driver seat this morning...the left hand side (handbrake side) wrap round section foam has split in behind the material...

does anyone know of any good upholstery fixer uppers in central scotland.....

really annoyed me..only got the car two weeks ago...not sure if it was damaged then or not.....but need to get it fixed..

cheers ...




Why not get a second hand seat from a breakers, and simply swap the covers over. They should all have zips in the headrest bit, and it's a relatively straight forward job to remove and then replace again. Probably cheaper (and better than parting with your car for a while) than getting it repaired.



Hi John

Spoke to the dealer I got the car from today...he's 99% sure the seat was alright when I picked the car up..its in such a strange place, usually the seat goes at the get in and out side..

anyway he is ringing me with the number of a guy who should be able to fix it......hopefully..funny how things like that can really spoil your enjoyment of the car....

fingers crossed.....will use the "get a seat" as a last option....




Hi Devlin

Thanks for that....will see what happens today..and if I dont get anywhere then I will give you a buzz...think it just needs the foam fixed...the material is fine..not even worn...puzzled as to how it happened...

will keep in touch




All right folks, we are looking for one last big push for prezzies for the Santa Cruz for the children of

Yorkhill. Please remember that this is being run by Scottish members & next year we could be delivering

toys to sick/under privileged kids in your area. We need all the Scottish members to dig deep to make

it a good Christmas for the kids.

PS I am high jacking all the threads as I feel quite disappointed that more members are not getting involved.

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