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Pity he didn't have the decency to speak to me.......

Right first off my position is that I don't see the need to flood EVERY post with this subject, second if he feel like I am a grinch no problem you picked the wrong person I have done many, many charitable events on behalf of British Heart Foundation, CF trust, CF Dream holidays and also the CF unit for the Western General to name a few......... giving is not a problem. Third I think its great that you feel the need to kick the butts of the regional organisers yet I don't think he bothered asking anyone to make a big push, mmmm very good.

Sorry to rant but I'm no happy with this, why drag my name through the mud for having an opinion............... just because I sent you a personal mail to say I think you were a tad OTT.............. had I realised this had been posted I would have responded earlier believe me.

Mods If I have went over the top feel free to remove or adjust. To the rest of SIDC I apologise for the rant


Malkys Reply

Should I apologise ? For saying we would send the grinch round (didn't say you were the grinch)? fair enough it was meant as a joke, I apologise it has been taken the wrong way.

For everything else No, but none of it was directed at you (Spooks)

Point 1 - If you think I went OTT with the posts then fair enough, all I said was post it on the board as I don't agree with PMs.

Point 2 - I didn't say that you hadn't raised any money for any good causes including Santa Cruz.

Point 3 - We have posted lots about the Santa Cruz and have not had any feedback from the Scottish Ro's (All regions not just Glasgow) and many other Scottish members.

Point 4 - "need to kick the butts of the regional organisers yet I don't think he bothered asking anyone to make a big push, mmmm very good." Getting personal should I ask you for an apology ?

I know how much I have been involved with this cause, attending the meets in Ayr/Glasgow, Ideas for the event & collecting money as well as the posts on line.

All I have tried to do is get more presents for the kids at Yorkhill, there is no personal gain for myself. If more Scottish members had got involved

then maybe I wouldn't have had to try this.




What is going on here ?

Firstly if someone PM's you he or she is dealing with it offline and IMHO the response should be Offline

Secondly I appreciate your frustration that there wasn't as big a response as you wanted but hey those that have responded will enjoy themselves and they will make a difference. Those that couldn't or didn't attend are not bad people face-icon-small-wink.gif

Now as I have said lets get on with putting smiles on childrens faces and not posts on a bulliten board



have to second Phil's sentiment....

When I came up with the idea last year, it was to bring happiness and help to those that need it..both last year and this year I have been a little saddened by the fact that only a few people (less than 200 nationwide) get really involved, but the point is not to dwell on that, but on the amazing good that less than 200 people can do and the impact they make...

it's not a regional organiser thing , it's not a them and us thing....it's just a GOOD THING...

you guys are doing well up there, we'll be thinking of you on the 12th when we do the Southern run too..

PM me if you need anything...it's my job* face-icon-small-wink.gif

*job = unpaid, voluntary but ultimately satisfying extra work face-icon-small-happy.gif


come on people face-icon-small-sad.gif no need 4 all this.

1 wee mistake it happens some are good some are bad but we will learn from it.

lets all be 1 big happy family.

For the people who have organised all of this i would give a lot of praise too. Like others have said we can achieve things as big as this cruise from just meets and meeting new people and some people have got off on the wrong foot.

The one thing that has to be said is that the Santa Cruise is here everything is almost ready to rock and roll so lte bye gones be by gones and give something back to people less fortunate than others for a change. We represent a group of Scottish scoobies and if anyone could see all this arguing i dont even think we would get through Yorkhills doors!!!!!!

We are doing this for others so c'mon peeps no need to argue or disagree. face-icon-small-cool.gif

Wullie & Claire


Unhappy Yes, There was plenty of people willing to have a go at me for what I said, fair enough everybody is entitled to their own views even if other people don't agree,

but I am not happy at the response. I made an apology for the comment about sending the Grinch round, but I don't seem

to have got any reply about my response to Spooks from him & the others that commented, basically from him & the others misreading

my post. I am not looking for an apology or for even people to agree with what I have done or said, but I think I deserve a response from the people that commented before I posted my reply to his response.

On a lighter note, I thought it might be a good idea to give the people who have given donations a small thankyou in the form of a Christmas/Thanks for the donation card with some

pictures from Santa Cruz on it. I will post up a mock card in word format later on today to see what you think.


I have made up a Christmas card that we can personalise with photo's from Sunday.

Please let me know what you think.

If you want theses files in word format then you will have to send me your e-mail address as I don't think you

can post word doc's up.


nice 1 m8 like the card face-icon-small-happy.gif if this is what other people want i will tell claire 2 take pics of all cars that are going so u can put them in the cards if thats what u want 2 do or if u need a hand just let me know face-icon-small-smile.gif



I have some official Santa Cruise Stickers

PM me an address and I'll forward them to one person to distribute on the day


Well peeps we can add another 40 odd pressies in the 8 - 16 age range, more detailed count after they are wrapped and tagged. After a 12 hour stint at work including a nasty puncture in the middle of nowhere and having to drive 15 miles with a flat tyre, an hour and a half to get over the Kingston Bridge and having to code and sort 300 kilos of frieght. Imy and myself attacked Toys R Us with aggusto, got a few Subaru related items like two Radio Controlled WRC 's Impreza's.

We will be at the Asda at Robroyston on Sunday if not there then Karp's house


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