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FOR SALE 4 x Gold 17 inch 2002 WRX Wheels

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4 x gold wrx wheels off my classic,wheels only no tyres. Excellent condition. Original subaru gold. Off of a 02 wrx, as the intro says, 17 inch. Make me an offer by PM or call 07843095248.



All right folks, we are looking for one last big push for prezzies for the Santa Cruz for the children of

Yorkhill. Please remember that this is being run by Scottish members & next year we could be delivering

toys to sick/under privileged kids in your area. We need all the Scottish members to dig deep to make

it a good Christmas for the kids.

PS I am high jacking all the threads as I feel quite disappointed that more members are not getting involved.


BTTT ! First decent offer gets them, next chav who PMs me asking if they will fit his cupra gets a belt in the mouthface-icon-small-wink.gif



i have added them to my pile!!!! so callum, when do i get your new wheels for my collection?? £150 of your strange island pounds?


robin "wheel collector" galloway face-icon-small-smile.gif


Cheers Robbing, as far as the gram lights go you can go jump in the gulf, you and your poofy wee underwater skateboard.face-icon-small-wink.gif

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