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We're all going on a...summer holiday!!!!

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Ive just had my Summer Holiday!!!

All the way over in Perth Ozy land!!!

Some great bargains to be had over there!!!

I went to a plaxce called Xspeed in Perth. I managed to get an Hks induction kit (Green one) and an Blitz super blow off valve!! Wait for the best bit...

All for £220's! Yes 220 quid....

How much are we being robbed by in the Uk.....We would only pay that for one item.

Loads of Scooby's driving around over there too. Bought a mag that was just full of Scooby's, they have some awesum looking machines out there. Twin turbo conversions on 2.5L lumps and for some reason they like to Airbrush there Scooby's.

Also went to Pattaya in Thailand for 3 days on the way home. If you havnt been there then i suggest you go!!! Lots of Oriental women and all sorts of mad things to do and see.

Certainly an eye opener for me, seen as i'm so innocent and all!!!

I will try and find a scanner to show some of these Ozy rides sometime.

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