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Andi is back

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Hi mateys, Iam back from the south of England ,And on the way I popped in to see The Scooby Clinic..WHAT A PLACE....It is Very hard to find , but it is worth going up and having a look.

I had a guieded tour of there work-shops by Adam the manager. They have second hand scoobys,there was a nice UK 300 for sale.face-icon-small-wink.gif A very big body shop and engine shop, and sitting in the engine shop was Jeff Dukes old 22B all repaired from its encounter with a manx tram..Thay were building a engine for a Scoob sports wagon 1996 with 550 bhp that is going to cost £15.000 . Hear is one for Jim, there was a Legacy with a Impreza front bumper on it. Last I went to the goodie shop ,and I got myself a GFB dump valve for the STI face-icon-small-happy.gif I have been given a load of Scooby Clinic leaflets and cards to give away if you would like one. See you later face-icon-small-wink.gif


<< Hear is one for Jim, there was a Legacy with a Impreza front bumper on it. >>

Saw an Aussi guy with one of those and it looked quite nice but he also had a high level STI rear spoiler too which just looked wrong.

Glad you had a good time there matey! face-icon-small-smile.gif


<< and sitting in the engine shop was Jeff Dukes old 22B all repaired from its encounter with a manx tram.. >>

It was not Peter's car that hit the tram (Ron, now got GT3) and it was also written off by the insurance company!

You missed a Cracking weekend Andiface-icon-small-happy.gif

Ta Ta


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