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Scratch Repairs

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My wee sister has just phoned me absolutely gutted. She had parked her new (to her) Audi A3 in a shopping carpark and some auld idiot ran his trolley into the rear bumper. It's not cracked but scratched. I've not seen it myself but it sounds not too bad.

What i'm looking for is ideas on how to repair it. Painting the whole bumper or i've heard about detailers who can cover up scratches but i don't know much about it. The car is metallic black.

What's your thoughts??


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Fire up a quick pic if you can and may be get a better idea. Usually a fine line but guideline is does your finger nail catch in the scratch groove when you (gently) run it down the scratch ??

Which "valley" is it you are in ? (so not to tell you about someone in Lanarkshire/Glasgow when she lives nowhere near there!).

The chipsaway type thing have their place but comes a point when only way to fix it properly is to have it resprayed.

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