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Superb drop link deal from Hypertech

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was speaking to Dunc earlier today about a little project and while we were chatting he was telling me about a deal that they are running for the month of March.....

as it says in the title, the deal is on droplinks, basically they are doing a set of front and rear alloy drop links supplied and fitted for £100.....if you have this done, you are also get free entry into a raffle to have a full geometry set up done at Whiteline(which normally costs in the region of £250). if you win the raffle then whiteline are also throwing in some other freebies as well.....

grab a bargain while stocks last....either phone Hypertech on 01324 812212 or email them on enquiries@hypertechscotland.co.uk


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ah, right, hmmm, very interesting as i need my front drop links done and was thinking of getting whiteline ones, how much are the fronts normally? and difference over stock? was gona start a thread for this but here will do!! :occasion14:

usually bout £100 fitted if IRCC, so your getting the rear ones free really. I havent really noticed a difference with the fronts but the oem ones worn anyway after the mot was done, did notice a difference with the rears done.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got mine done yesterday - definitely feels a bit more solid but ... there's still a damn knock audible there, I'm now guessing it's the other known suspension issue, the struts that need replaced.

Hypertech were good enough, when having arrived late yesterday as I took the scenic route to Bonnybridge (!) I asked if they could look at recharging the a/c, they discovered that the system has a leak so it wasn't a nice, simple (read cheap) job to resolve. dash and blast...

More funds to head out of my bank account soon it seems ....

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