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Spent the last 2 hours getting a 10 minute presentation sorted...............so what I hear you say - well I have just taught myself not only how to use Power Point with all the Jazzy bits but putting the info onto a Data Stick.

Thats a huge leap forward for this technical Caveman :thumbup::(:(

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Spent the last 2 hours getting a 10 minute presentation sorted...............so what I hear you say - well I have just taught myself not only how to use Power Point with all the Jazzy bits but putting the info onto a Data Stick.

Thats a huge leap forward for this technical Caveman :(:(;)

:thumbup: you'll be working on your own scoob next :(

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Well done mate! I've been trying for years now and I still can't get anything looking good in Powerpoint... given up now! :(

Its not totally brilliant - but it is easier than I thought..........gonna keep playing with it to see har far I can go before breaking it :thumbup::(:(

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Guest sti3_lewak

I though he still had is comador 64 and old stick for playing pac man :hello:


Edited by sti3_lewak
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