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Cel Light Help

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Drove to work in the normal busy traffic this morning. Just under a half hour drive. All was well when I parked my car in the yard. But on jumping back in her at 4pm, my CEL light was on when I first started her and stayed on all the way home and down to pick the boy up from nursery. This was an hours worth of driving with a few on and off stops. What kind of fault would cause the light to come on from starting, but not on before I switched her off this morning?

Probably just dampness in the MAF sensor. Mine comes on if the car gets soaked for example if im stuck behind a lorry on a wet road etc.

Never had that before myself. How long does your light stay on for? I do have base mods, decat up pipe and mid pipe, prodrive sports cat dp etc... After my second remap one of the sensors in the exhaust went. Think it was in the uppipe? This was fixed by using Mr. Forrest's resistor method. That was over a year ago, could it be something to do with that?


I've had the resistor in place for over a year as well and it's been fine.

What I did have recently after driving in bad weather was my idle control valve playing up.

This resets after somewhere between 3 and 6 ignition restarts.


I'll see how it goes tomorrow, I'll try giving her a few on/off ignitions and also try disconnecting the battery for 5 minutes. Thanks for just now, if it doesn't get any better by tomorrow I'll be back asking for more thoughts...


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