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Just removed old shocks to fit some Tein coilovers and noticed a huge slice/split in my new rear Yoko Parada tyre!! £170 down the drain.

It looks like a slash with a knife. The only 2 places Ive been to is a track day at Brand's and a VW show last week? Its down to the thread and could have been dangerous.

Ill get a picture up tonight, let me know what you think as if's its a dodgy tyre I want it changed!


Yes very true. Could this of happened on a track day, debris etc?

Suppose its possible. Its kept on a drive with huge gates so I'd guess it was the Vw show except there was 4 Impreza's in same car park. Oh well.

Some good news, managed to free the front brake hose for the new one. :lol:


From what I know the R888 are made from a different compund to convetional tyres, so when hot i.e track use, debri could corse a slit in them , in the same way your not ment to use them in temps 0c and below, as they can split due to the cold, also your not ment to move the car if stationary at those temps even in storage as this can also split the tyre, if storing the tyres at these temps you must semi deflate the tyres, its bull **** i know but there is a disclamer on the tyre when purchaced.


What size are your tyres mate? I know R-Tec Autodesign in St Albans do these tyres for about £60 to £80 a corner and would probably deliver.

Cheers Iain

What size are your tyres mate? I know R-Tec Autodesign in St Albans do these tyres for about £60 to £80 a corner and would probably deliver.

Cheers Iain

Thanks mate, there 225, 35, 18's cheers.

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