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Exhaust Manifold Wrap


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Hi Guys, I've been having a major issue with the exhaut manifold that was put on the car few months ago. Only recently its started making a sound like it was blowing and I put this down to water ingress via the bonnet vent covers and onto the wrap which inturn caused the manifold to rust and break.

I checked this evening after removing the bottom engine bay cover that the graphite wrap, that I put on with tender loving car and alot of stainless wraps, had subsequently rotted and that the noise i was getting wasnt a cracked set of pipes but the rattle of many of the wraps vibrating on the pipes as the whole lot of graphite wrap had rotted away. As I touched it the lot came off in my hands exposing the bare metal.

Has anyone else used the graphite wrap to cover the manifolds and come across this problem, i went for that as the fabric based wrap was prone to this and i kept clear, alas it made no difference in this case.

I will be running the car without a bottom tray til the rest of the wrap is removed by hand or by the air going past as i drive, is it safe to run the car without the cover on. I expect some steaming from engine bays on wet days but look to replace the wrap very soon with the fabric based wrap.

Does anyone run manifolds without wrapping?

Thanks in advance for reading this, but at least i wont have to fork out for repair work to the pipes B)


Thanks Iain, is that for the short term or longer. From the mileage I do weekly, the engine bay is gonna get really grubby, and with winter coming up and the salt on the roads i reckon the extra corrision may cause problems.



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