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Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining...

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For those that don't already know, on Monday our little girl had to go into hospital after giving herself concussion... she seems okay now and after a pretty stressful time for her mum and I, she's now home!

We where a bit surprised that when it came to taking her home she didn't actually want to leave but I'm not sure anyone could blame her when you see what she had to play with...

all I can say is that I sooooooooo want this for the garden!!!!


Just how cool is that eh? They even have little prodrive pit crew outfits for the kids that are well enough to go outside :o:)B)

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Glad all is well mate.

Is that the Manor hospital?

No mate, they don't have a Pediatric A&E so it was The JR but if she was in any longer i would've had her transferred through the health insurance.

JR also have a Renault F1 play area but they didn't go to the same effort prodive have, looks like they just picked up the bill from Toys r Us. :o

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