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Baffled Sump/slicks?wtf

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I have been told that if you run slicks you should also baffle the sump as the extra cornering force will cause the oil to surge to one side of the sump away from the pickup, leading to oil starvation is this true. We're talking about KH here also (not the ring..) anyone??

Posted (edited)

Really depends on how well setup your car is, but realistically, I would certainly be thinking about it :o

Edited by JohnSt
Really depends on how well setup your car is, but realistically, I would certainly be thinking about it :o

your saying "you would be thinking about it"?? If thats the feeling I may just run my road tyres..


bear in mind that KH is all about a relatively quick sucession of right hand corners. The ring is more punishing on the suspension I'd say. Long straights a mix of varied corners at ring means that I'd be less concerned about oil starvation.

Better to be safe than sorry though


I am running a cosworth sump with baffel plate as people, has advised it to stop oil surge and your engine deciding not to play anymore, would only suggest to replace it if you intending to do alot of track and alot of twisties are near you it give me piece of mind when on the track.. hope this helps .


I have been told that if you run slicks you should also baffle the sump as the extra cornering force will cause the oil to surge to one side of the sump away from the pickup, leading to oil starvation is this true. We're talking about KH here also (not the ring..) anyone??

as mentioned by braveheart, cosworth do a baffle plate, got 1 in mine and seems to work well. if you want 1,dunc at hypertech in bonnybridge has 1 in stock, give hime a call on 01324 812212...


as mentioned by braveheart, cosworth do a baffle plate, got 1 in mine and seems to work well. if you want 1,dunc at hypertech in bonnybridge has 1 in stock, give hime a call on 01324 812212...


what sort of money are they to buy and have fitted? I'll not hold you to the penny..

what sort of money are they to buy and have fitted? I'll not hold you to the penny..

This is what i put on mines and the prices, dont know if you can get them cheaper. I had trouble with the sump trying to get them to fit around the aftermarket headers but SW motorsport sorted that problem.. and if you want some 1 to do the work then use him..






that cosworth baffle plate doesnt really stop oil movig around.... it prevents it getting sucked up the breathers and into inlet/catch tank. Ideally with the standard sump you want a baffle tray with trap doors or such like.

Anyone know of off the shelf kits like that?


ok, the cosworth one isnt as bad as i thought


Cosworth Oil Sump Baffle Plate

All Subaru Applications

£161.62 +vat

Engineered with diverters to control oil returning from the cylinder heads to the oil pan directing it away from the crankshaft. Additionally, one-way valves prevent oil from reentering the upper crankcase chamber thereby limiting blow by and preventing oil starvation during hard driving.



That Baffle plate is more of a windage tray really, whilst a good idea, it'll not prevent surge on it's own. You need a properly baffled sump for that. If I get a minute I'll take a pic of my Lateral Performance Baffle setup. Did a whole season last year without so much as a sniff of oil surge with this on the car. These things aint cheap, but if you consider the relative cost to replacing an engine then it is a sound investment.



Andy uses a Cosworth Sump and Baffle plate and is still seeing some surge, however his application is a little different to our cars I think :thumbup:

I'm sure they are both a good product.

I have an Alloy Big Winged Arc sump in the garage and I wouldn't p1ss in it as I'd probably get wet feet, it's Sh!t.



I have a baffled sump in the skyline but have still taken out a set of bearings with starvation. I think it was more high revs, high capacity oil pump, and oil pooling at the back of the head.

Now have a restrictor into the head, enlarged drains down, and an external oil drain at the back of the head to the sump.

Next step after that would be a big winged sump... but i'm not keen on them as they sit very low. Too low for comfort and kerbs on track!!

I need to address the Impreza before sorting out its susp and slicks.

I have a baffled sump in the skyline but have still taken out a set of bearings with starvation. I think it was more high revs, high capacity oil pump, and oil pooling at the back of the head.

Now have a restrictor into the head, enlarged drains down, and an external oil drain at the back of the head to the sump.

Next step after that would be a big winged sump... but i'm not keen on them as they sit very low. Too low for comfort and kerbs on track!!

I need to address the Impreza before sorting out its susp and slicks.

Obviously the only way to be sure, is to dry sump it, this will be happening on my car sometime soon. With a wet sump you can only do the best you can. Sounds like you've done everything humanly possible for the Skyline Adam.

Zen have a dry sump solution in the pipeline, not far away timewise either. Pennine Subaru, I 'believe' are also developing a system :thumbup:


yup... drysumping is a bit costly for the 'budget' impreza :thumbup:

So... apart from a replacement baffled sump, are there drop in baffle trays on the market. With vertical trap doors to pool the oil around the pickup (not horizontal like cosworth)

yup... drysumping is a bit costly for the 'budget' impreza :D

So... apart from a replacement baffled sump, are there drop in baffle trays on the market. With vertical trap doors to pool the oil around the pickup (not horizontal like cosworth)

had been having a look around for something like this but couldnt find anything, 1 of the boys i know does work on some subaru rally cars and asked about a baffled sump from 1 of them but it was going to be too costly....saying that, spending a lot of cash then i would guess dry sump the way to go. whats the expected cost of kits??


Funny you should ask, one of my collegues is building a site for him right now

There's a holding page up there for now

www.penninesubaru.com or .co.uk for that matter :D

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