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! Very Heavy Snow Forecast Please Be Careful !

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Hi all

Just incase you have not seen the weather forecast yet it is for very heavy snow from tonight then over the next few days, most of the country is forecast to be hit with the South East being hit worst including the Thames Valley area, so if you really, really have to drive to work tomorrow or tonight please be very careful.

But then again they could have got the forecast all wrong, and got my hopes up for nothing yet again, I love the snow :D:)

Cheers Iain

Hi all

Just incase you have not seen the weather forecast yet it is for very heavy snow from tonight then over the next few days, most of the country is forecast to be hit with the South East being hit worst including the Thames Valley area, so if you really, really have to drive to work tomorrow or tonight please be very careful.

But then again they could have got the forecast all wrong, and got my hopes up for nothing yet again, I love the snow ;):)

Cheers Iain

Update: It is snowing heavy here in Farnborough.......

Good job I don't have any steeps hills to go up or down when I leave :D

Update: It is snowing heavy here in Farnborough.......

Good job I don't have any steeps hills to go up or down when I leave :)

Nothing here yet but it cant be far away :D

Safe driving all

Cheers Iain


God some people don't know how to drive.

Saw 4 cars plough into kerbs just walking my daughter to school this morning, people don't seem to know that this white stuff is slippy & you need to slow down.

Scoob's now as far up our drive as I can get it as the people living in the road opposite see to think its an excuse to see how much wheelspin they can pulling out from the junction.


Was fun getting into work through the lanes this morning!!!! :):D;)

Getting thick here now the big tracks I left in the farm track up to the office are covered, kinda wishing I had stayed at home tbh!

Tempted to take the scoob out across the fields at lunch though! B)

oops! just had a ticking off for my driving around the carpark this morning!!! alegedly they expect better from their managers lol!!! :D

Ha ha ha! So it's not just me then! Just had the farm hands out clearing the roads here, apparently that's down to my sideways entry to the carpark! :)


I tried to drive to work tonight, gave up after having a big moment! I wasn't going fast at all, but lost rear traction and the back snapped round, ended up facing wrong way on wrong side of road but at least managed to at least hold the car on the road and didn't hit anything, but it was a close call B)

So please be careful if you have to drive in that white stuff......


Hi guys

Just drove back from Witney to Carterton (7 miles) in the snow, I left Witney with no lying snow and arrived in Carterton to between 1 + 2 inches on snow which has fallen onto wet roads, please be very, very careful if out and about as the snow is packing into ice on the wet unsalted roads and is very, very slippy.

Cheers Iain


Don't ya just love this winter, the snow due tonight has no been changed to heavy rain for for & wait for it - A risk of localised flooding.

Then the rain stops & we then get heavy snow & freezing temps again on Monday night.

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