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Knockhill Noise Regulations

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At the tail end of last year i read a thread over on pistonheads where one of the guys with the black ultima's was kicked off. He did have crazy straight through pipes on that could be heard from miles away. :P

That's a bummer. I have a silencer plug but it is very restrictive and the car dets badly when I use it under boost due to the increased back pressure.

I will need to measure the noise level somehow - does anyone know of any garages in central scotland that have the equipment?

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Yip, still got it.

Will be at progrip Wednesday afternoon and can bring it with me if its any use?

Otherwise pm me and we could meet up if you wish.


Or Edinburgh Airport all day Thursday we have a site running at the side of the Hilton for those from Embra.

Edited by corsa
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Yip, still got it.

Will be at progrip Wednesday afternoon and can bring it with me if its any use?

Otherwise pm me and we could meet up if you wish.


Or Edinburgh Airport all day Thursday we have a site running at the side of the Hilton for those from Embra.

Thanks Davie - my car is off the road for the winter. I'll drop you a pm early march when it's back on the road and I'll see if the is a convenient time and location to meet up.



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The noise regulation has been on Knockhills web-site since October.

Track Scotland ran an event on November 1st, but the noise regulation wasn't used.

Just as well really.

At 5000 RPM and 0.5m at a 45deg angle (standard measuring) my track Impreza measures 107.8dba or 101.2 with the bung fitted. :wub:

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The Black Bombshell reputed to be 106dba


If that car is just over the regulation level, then I'm sure most people will be safe... that car wasn't shy 'back in the day' so I can only imagine its knocked it up a level or two since the last stage of PPP was fitted. :wub:



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Would you believe people in Dunfermline were complaining that they can hear the circuit on occasions! I kid you not!

dunfermline is miles away from knockers though, if they hear anything it must be very very minimal to say the least, is this another case of the PC brigade being fuc*wits again ?

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