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Anyone Here From Yoker ? ** Update **

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Couldn't get much off Dez as my fone battery packed in and I was at work when I phoned.

What I could gather, the guy has turned up, shouting the odds about wanting some money back, has kicked Dez work van, police are there taking statements etc and presumably shifting/charging the bloke, waiting for Dez to fone back with full details. Oh and he's come up with a seperate car full of "heavies" as back up. Whether if the bloke and his "chums" were tooled up I don't know, can only hope not.

Makes you sick all this, have known Des & Donna for many years and two nicer people you couldn't meet and no way would they intentionally rip anyone off. Just hope with the police intervention that there will now be some closure on this whole sorry episode.


Edited by kloon
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Couldn't get much off Dez as my fone battery packed in and I was at work when I phoned.

What I could gather, the guy has turned up, shouting the odds about wanting some money back, has kicked Dez work van, police are there taking statements etc and presumably shifting/charging the bloke, waiting for Dez to fone back with full details. Oh and he's come up with a seperate car full of "heavies" as back up. Whether if the bloke and his "chums" were tooled up I don't know, can only hope not.

Makes you sick all this, have known Des & Donna for many years and two nicer people you couldn't meet and no way would they intentionally rip anyone off. Just hope with the police intervention that there will now be some closure on this whole sorry episode.


did he have the car up with him to show the so called damage!hope nothing kicked off and lad got locked up


Hope everything is ok, selling mine soon and was thinking about selling away from my house, but then your address is on the V5 antway so no point. CANT BELIVE THIS GUY HAS COME BACK UP, iam not from Scotland but is'nt Glasgow a long way from Aberbeen?


This is totally unbelievable... hope all the innocent parties are ok and this weegie chump & his pals get locked up.

In my own opinion:

- HPi Clear, doesnt always mean it is a straight car but from the general opinion on here, the car was a brilliant example.. if the seller knows of a dodgy past, they must declare it, but being HPi clear then the seller might not know the complete past of the car if they bought it as a used car themselves.

- Turning up mob handed to a family home is unforgiveable and I really hope the 5/0 share my view on this and come down hard on these ar$eholes..

- End of the day, its a Private Sale, as a buyer you are taking all the risk and need to give the car a comprehensive check over yourself or through the AA/RAC for peace of mind IMO..




Well at the very least I hope thats the matter over now...

He's been, and nobodys been hurt and if thats the case thats all that matters.

but it should never have come to this...


many thanks for all your comments chaps , yes he did come up with around 6 people 2 or 3 in the scoob and there was 3-4 in a goldish coloured primera at around 4-30pm , my wife got the message at work from zanders (member)missus that he was at my door prowling around so he was early .. i was heading home as it was arranged for 5pm dont ask me why it was that time as at no point in any conversation i agreed to meet him or arrange for him to be at my house for 5pm strange time to be coming up and 5 days later ?? , so my wife was first on the scene passed the car he was inside she got in the house and closed the door then simon (member) arrived next waited for me in the van and we both walked past him and came inside , it was a few minutes later that he knocked on the door my wife donna answered asked what he wanted told her that he wanted his money back as he was not happy with the car was told no way now get off my driveway closed the door , he then knocked again this time his mate came out of the scoob and was watching from a distance donna again answered he then started mouthing off the car and wanted some money back for the paintwork which was going to cost him £800-1500 to sort it had been rolled the roof was crumpled and the panels are all different shades of blue :stupid: , was told again by donna and by the way if i was aloud outside there would have been world war 3 , as i couldnt get out for simon ,arthur , ect or get a word in :( ,she tried to close the door and he put his foot inside started shouting donna then pushed him back and slammed the door :rotfl: so anyway he then started taking photos with his mobile through the front window of everyone in the living room ?? shortly after that the police arrived questioned both parties by this time the other car was gone :banana2: they asked us what we wanted done as they couldn't get involved with the sale side of it but could get him removed we agreed they sent him on his way and that was that never had any calls or seen him again .. so be aware guys this is maybe a lesson to be learned look out for the car in glasgow area please and whatch what your doing with private sales !!!!

for those who never have seen my car i have posted some for you spot the damage ?????


What an absolute nightmare. Glad no one was harmed.

Lets hope this is the end of the matter... Just shows how an innocent sale of a genuine car can turn into a whole different ball game..


Am glad to hear every thing is ok now mate. I cant understand what goes through some folks heads F in delinquent's. Also thats a stunning looking car its just a pity it got sold to an a*** like that :stupid:


I'm glad you and your family is alright and nobody got hurt from a sale of a used car...

Your car is in ALOT better condition than mines and a true credit to the Bug Eye scoob :stupid:


Glad to hear its hopefully over now mate... and you can forget all about it...

Lovely car by the way..

I'll keep an eye out for it down this way, but he'll probably be out racing corsas and running old women off the road... Your car wasn't damaged before but i'm willing to bet it will be a write off pretty soon if the pr*ck gets what he deserves..


Good to hear all has worked out.

The car looks a superb example of a well looked after scoob.

The tw*t that bought it dosen't deserve it.


Reidzer, did you buy this from a guy down this way, Tayside/Angus, or possibly up Inverness way as I think thats where he re-located to?? Think he's on here as BigAl or something like that.... the plate and Turini's look really familiar to me, and if its the same car then its an absolute minter that I'll happily vouch for as well.




Get a video survailence recording camera up NOW!! If this guy will travel up fron Glasgow to where you live all tooled up with his m8's then he is commited on harming you or yor property, dont take any chances its not worth it.

I hope it goes well for you

Reidzer, did you buy this from a guy down this way, Tayside/Angus, or possibly up Inverness way as I think thats where he re-located to?? Think he's on here as BigAl or something like that.... the plate and Turini's look really familiar to me, and if its the same car then its an absolute minter that I'll happily vouch for as well.



i bought it from sunnyhill motors in turrif aberdeenshire but the guy before me was from coupar / fife area

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