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Professionally Printed Charity Calendar

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Ladies and ladyboys, I've found a place that can do us calendars with on demand printing and delivery. This means no money up front from anyone and no possibilities of a loss made with buying more than we can sell.

The calendars will cost about £6.50 to produce and send to your door. The intention being to then charge £10 or £12 to actually buy them with the different in the money going to Santa Cruise funds.

You'd all be buying them via this service and then I, or someone equally responsible :rotfl:, will withdraw the money for santa cruise.

Now the question is - we need 12 pictures for the months and a cover. Anyone got a good way we could possibly do this? I was thinking that we could maybe theme them with a couple of snowy ones for January and December etc.

Need a good mix of classic and new age, track, street, show and shine etc. etc.

Thoughts please!

Maybe one of our gifted artistes could come up with a front cover?

Now the question is - we need 12 pictures for the months and a cover. Anyone got a good way we could possibly do this? I was thinking that we could maybe theme them with a couple of snowy ones for January and December etc.

Need a good mix of classic and new age, track, street, show and shine etc. etc.

Thoughts please!

Maybe one of our gifted artistes could come up with a front cover?

We should have the selection to be used picked on the forum. Anyone/Everyone could submit photos and then by a particular date a poll should be taken, so you have enough time to get the high res versions of the pics to the printers and the calendars made in enough time for xmas pressies :rotfl:


I've got some shot's Stephen that may be of use. I'll have a look through them tonight when I get home.

I'd be happy to help out designing a front cover if this is needed?


Ah the bait was taken Neil. Have a bash mate. When I get home I'll post up some technical information about pictures, but basically the calendar is one of those two page things per month with a picture above and the calendar bit below, and ring binds in the middle.


Neil -

We recommend uploading standard calendar images at 11.25" x 8.75" to allow for trimming. The image area for standard calendars is 11" x 8.5". The coil binding will cover .375" at the bottom of this area. The bottom .375" of your image should be filled with the background image or color, but remain free of any text and/or images that should not be perforated by the coil. Your image will be centered on the page and resized proportionally, that is, by an equal percentage of height and width, until it fills as much of this area as possible.


nice one :rotfl:

What about if everyone posts the shots they would like in and we can do a poll to see which should be in the calendar?


That's what I was thinking really Neil. I've edited the topic title requesting pictures. I'll organise a poll for some different groups of shots.

I think we should aim for a good spread of stuff - classics and new age, still and motion, artistic and fun. Maybe even some with the good people of the club. We're not the prettiest bunch but we know how to have a laugh.

I'll collate them into different groups then put them up for voting.

Would love a snow shot for at least one of the winter months as I said.

Hopefully by this time next week we could have something available to buy.


some contributions from me :D













I was thinking the front cover could contain all 12 chosen images, I'll have a play tomorrow night, I'm off to bed :rotfl:


Watch these online companies. I looked into producing a Trials calendar to meet demand a couple of years ago. Be sure to ask for samples as the quality I got sent to me from these online ordering firms was pish even though the photos supplied were spot on and hi-res.

I ended up looking at proper printing companies, but they wanted minimum order quantity which I couldn't guarantee so canned it. Better to produce nothing than to produce a disappointment, IMO.


I tell you what I'll take those pictures that Neil has sent me and I'll order one up later on. I can judge the quality when it arrives and we can then if it is good we can finalise picture choices for the real one for sale.

I tell you what I'll take those pictures that Neil has sent me and I'll order one up later on. I can judge the quality when it arrives and we can then if it is good we can finalise picture choices for the real one for sale.

Stephen, these are extremely low quality jpeg's saved for web, the originals are 300dpi but too large to host. I can send you the originals tonight if you fancy?

Stephen, these are extremely low quality jpeg's saved for web, the originals are 300dpi but too large to host. I can send you the originals tonight if you fancy?

Please do Neil

st3ph3n AT (remove this too for those spam bams) st3ph3n dawwwwt com.


currently uploading the 30meg file Stephen, to big to email I guess. Man, I F&*:brickwall:^%g hate Virgin broadband, getting close to dial-up speeds just now on an "allegedly" 8meg connection :rolleyes:

a bit off topic, but does anyone use sky for broadband?

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