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Kent Scoobies Membership Meet 14th October

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Posted (edited)
No-one has been back stabbing, or thinking of themselves Tony.

Yeah!, lighten up Tony.

And buy some 'SIDC' membership :driving:

Edited by HOL
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No-one has been back stabbing, or thinking of themselves Tony. People have been expressing opinions in what they see as being for the good of the club.

If their views aren't the same as yours that doesn't constitute back stabbing or selfishness.

Please think about what you are posting before posting confrontational and inaccurate posts.

If there is no back stabbing then why is it the same few who want this change? Why is it done on the forum first before even thinking of talking to Pele ? Surely a pm would be nice or maybe some help given when asked for !!!! Why is there a small group who divide themselves off from the rest of the club at meets etc?? Why do new members feel left out of the circle when they come to meets etc ??

Like many of the longtime members i have taken a step back to watch the club and seen all that has happened over the past year or two

There are lots of points that can be made but no matter what happens you cant please everybody within the club and as long as there are one or two members who do not get there own way it will always cause trouble

If there is no back stabbing then why is it the same few who want this change? Why is it done on the forum first before even thinking of talking to Pele ? Surely a pm would be nice or maybe some help given when asked for !!!! Why is there a small group who divide themselves off from the rest of the club at meets etc?? Why do new members feel left out of the circle when they come to meets etc ??

Like many of the longtime members i have taken a step back to watch the club and seen all that has happened over the past year or two

There are lots of points that can be made but no matter what happens you cant please everybody within the club and as long as there are one or two members who do not get there own way it will always cause trouble

lol Hol, ill wait and but Kentscoobies membership !!!


Guys Guys

Kent Scoobies are Kent Scoobies

just as Essex Scooby Crew is Essex Scooby Crew

You guys decide what you want to do and when

The SIDC will always support you by giving you this home without any charge as you guys have activily incouraged SIDC membership to take advantage of the benefits of the SIDC

Yes we have events Public Liability Insurance which if notified covers your local events as well as our National Events

So please no them or us ITS A CAR CLUB after all

Get together next week decide what you want as a local club then talk to us about who is the point of contact we can publish as Kent Orgainser.

We will happily set up a system to collect local memberships IF THAT IS REQUIRED if not then fine

Remember you can't please everybody all the time and trying to is a thankless task

Now can we please leave this till you have talked face to face

I don't wan't to lock threads but we seem to be going round in circles

Posted (edited)

Let me make that clear... The Kent Organiser Role for the SIDC was NOT the start of Kent Scoobies and should not be confused with the job of running said club. Kent is an SIDC affiliate, NOT an SIDC extension That is not to say, that I do not think that we are any worse off, for the tie-in **.

If a vote is to be held on a Kent Scoobies point of issue then anyone viewing themselves as a Kent Scoobies person should be able to vote on it.

IF A VOTE IS TO BE HELD ON AN SIDC MATTER, then only paid up (it costs to support the SIDC - and I do!), members of that organisation should vote on it. Being realistic, you would not expect non residents of a constituency to vote on the MP being appointed.

Its the same logic. if you want to vote on who should support you in the SIDC, then buy a house!

Well said Hol, without intent or ambitions, and in words that everyone should be able to understand.


Edited by deani_age

Thanks for clearing up that matter, have a good meeting, i'm sure the outcome will not please all and i hope no one is left feeling hurt by the outcome...... see you guys after egypt...

Posted (edited)
14th October

At The Wharf at 11.45am

1. Pele

2. Shiralee

3. wedmonds

4. Col_2

5. Scoots & Dogend - YES

6. Granby

7. Big Jay

8. Mr Gizmo + Mrs Gizmo2B

9. stardust

10. Baser999 - YES

Can we now just clarify who is attending this meeting & the agenda.

Will we be discussing Kent Scoobies as a club or just the SIDC RO?

Edited by Scoots
Posted (edited)
Can we now just clarify who is attending this meeting & the agenda.

Will we be discussing Kent Scoobies as a club or just the SIDC RO?

.....and me. Is this all?

Edited by BASER999

I will now not be able to go, as I have family stuff that I need to do.

Although, I would like to put my point across as a new person, like someone else has said on a thread joined the club cos I wanted to be part of a club who enjoyed cars and also did other things like the BBQ and days out. When I was finally able to make a meet (not everyone can do Friday evenings) I was so excited that I was finally going to meet all the members that had made me feel so welcome on this forum. Yet when I turned up I felt like a spare part at a wedding oh don't get me wrong some people had made a real effort to make me feel welcome Dazler emailed me before I went to let me know he would be there and to say hi, loony tune also did the same thing. And I have to give a big up's to deno 66 who had serviced my car the day before and was the only person to come over and introduce me to other people that he knew. (for that I will always thank him) It is very hard for a woman to turn up at male orientated thing without knowing any one (or may be that’s just me being a wimp) I have to say that I left there thinking “well I’m not doing that again.” But after a while being on the forum I thought no it’s me just being silly (the wimp thing coming back out!!) I’ll go again see what it’s like. And I have to say that I felt the same way, until Pele came and got everyone talking. I have no idea what has gone on in the club before, and have no right to express an opinion on it.

All I can say is that I really would like to be part of the club and would love to go on days out (as I’m not really a pub person) but at the moment I don’t feel that I am able to as I don’t know anyone. I know that part of this is me and I need to make more of an effort but I don’t think that I would want to commit myself to days outs and other events if they were always going to be like the meets. Its fine to stand on your own for a few hours smiling like some demanded twit in pub, not sure I could do it all day.

Points that maybe of some use to take the club forward form a new person

• One or two people who are out going to be the person who introduces every one at meets. (or maybe when we have our new t-shirts with our names on we will know each other anyway. LOL)

• To try and have meets on different evening other than Fridays

• Maybe have a fun day twice a year, which is just about meeting each other, saying hi, making new people feel welcome and selling the club whether that’s Kent or SIDC. And which new people are invited to in person. (always works to make people feel special)

Thanks for taking the time to read, and please can someone take that forward for me at the meeting.



Well said Stardust, We are hopefully having an Xmas meal, a few of us went last year and it was a good night, it would be good if you could come, it was very informal and everyone there was chatting to everyone else, we also took our kids. Last year Pele organised a BBQ in August, unfortunately not enough members could make it and it was cancelled, Hopefully next year we can try this again.

I haven't had the chance to meet you yet, there are a few girls in the club and we do try and be friendly.

Well said Stardust, We are hopefully having an Xmas meal, a few of us went last year and it was a good night, it would be good if you could come, it was very informal and everyone there was chatting to everyone else, we also took our kids. Last year Pele organised a BBQ in August, unfortunately not enough members could make it and it was cancelled, Hopefully next year we can try this again.

I haven't had the chance to meet you yet, there are a few girls in the club and we do try and be friendly.

Thanks, would like to come to xmas meal just need to find out dates from work as I work some weekends.


I can't make tomorrow. We're coming ot the end of a project at work and haved a lot of things to finish in order to get Practical Completion, so I've got to work.

I vote Granby for RO.


As a new member of the club I don't feel that it's my place to elect either SIDC RO or Kent Scoobie Organizer, ever though I feel that the burden of embracing booth roles may be too much for Pele to carry out on her own. I think the club should ask it's self whether it's right to expect Pele to under take the running of booth the club and SIDC at the expense of her son.

However it is my belief that for the club to move forward and unite, the leadership must have a clear vision as to how they see the club moving on. I believe that there must be strong leadership and delegation to encourage members to feel part of the club. We all need to have some sort of role in the club at whatever level to develop a sense of belonging, the leadership might consider giving small teams responsibility's an example Barry's France run, or a group to welcome people arrange BQ's that kind of thing.It should not be the responsibility of a couple of people all the time. The club has many resources in it's members so lets use them.

Kent Scoobies has the potential to be as active as the Essex Crew so lets go for it in 2008


I cannot attend due to family commitments so I will air my views on the forum and hope they are taken in. I will keep it simple and to the point so there can be no confusion.

I agree the club has to move forward and that it is a big job for one person to carry out, but in all fairness Pele started the role and no one has wanted to help ! We did have a breif period when Scoobytoo was appointed events organiser but he did loose interest. The club has lots of old and quite a few new members who can help each other for the greater good of the club, we all come from different walks of ife and can contribute. As a club we need to sort out club merchansise, flags etc , membership and some sort of funding. We cannot move forward without all of these.

As members we should also be giving up our free time to help the two ro's in there roles.

I would like to see Granby as SIDC RO, he has been loyal to the club for many years, he has time to spare, he has links with the sidc already as his role as moderator and he actually WANTS to be involved !!! In this role he would then organise and support the sidc as kentscoobies ensuring the club attends sidc meets and events etc.

I would also like to see Pele stay as Kentscoobies RO after all without her efforts over the years there would not have been a club, and to just remove her from the post would be a very low thing to do. She would sort out the Kentntscoobie club meets and events, working alongside Granby as a team on sidc things too. She has always been there for the club and all its members from the start and will always support the club, giving her time where it is needed but in the past she has not had help even when asked.

Remember they are not paid and do it for the club and its members !!!!

I would also like to see members offering there help and indeed organising things as well, for example baser999 and his french trip , but if you want to do this you have to complete the task and not give up half way through.

well thats just the shortened version but you get the idea, lets move forward and out of the dark and into the light !!! Lets use the quieter period over winter to sort ourselves out and emerge a united Kentscoobies next year !!!!!

All the best


Posted (edited)

14th October

At The Wharf at 11.45am

1. Pele

2. Shiralee

3. wedmonds

4. Col_2

5. Scoots & Dogend - YES

6. Granby

7. Big Jay & Wife - YES

8. Mr Gizmo + Mrs Gizmo2B

9. stardust

10. Baser999 - YES

P.s I have now got the new shirt and will be wearing it to the meet. :rolleyes:

Edited by Big Jay

i would like to attend but as made clear from some members i am not a paid up member of sidc so i have no vote anyway thanks for being welcomed!!!!!!



A Balanced well thought out post :rolleyes:

Perhaps its the way forward

As for paid up members the SIDC does not want clubs divided

Kent Scoobies should decided what they want and hopefully the benefits of the SIDC should speak for themselves

I would encourage everybody to attend as its your club SIDC Member or not

For the record I think Pele and Granby would be a good team but thats for you guys to decide ;)


I was present at the CLUB meeting to-day and would like to report that it was a very constructive meeting and refreshing to know that the club is going to be moving forward with vision. Things have been actioned and decisions made.

Pele, our club organize will be posting a full report in due course, so watch out for it. I would just like to personnel thank all those who were able to attend and reassure all Kent members that the club is now looking towards the future. Kind regards Hugh.

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