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Kent Scoobies Membership Meet 14th October

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I thought that this thread was about SIDC RO and some how your discussing club T-shirts. Are you going to submit your name for RO Scuzz? Because you call it as you see it

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Posted (edited)

Shouldn't this meet be for all Kent Scoobies members whether they are fully paid SIDC members or not, i think it should

Edited by Granby

If the meeting on Sunday is to appoint the SIDC RO then should not this be only open to discussion by paid up SIDC members, who have the right to vote. As Pele pointed out Kent Scooby's is not on the Agenda, unless someone proposes it be add. Are there nominations for the post of SIDC RO and Kent Scooby Organizer?


Theres nothing in the thread about appointing the Kent Scoobies RO, it's about the role of the RO and that concerns all members as not everything we do is connected with the SIDC


Then my understanding from your post Ian is that they are one in the same, however Pele stated that they are two different posts. Which at the moment are being performed by Pele. Are we then to understand that the post of RO will embrace both the SIDC aspect of the region and the Organizer for Kent Scoobys under the same umbrella. If that is the case then I would like to propose that you are nominate for the dual post.

Not according to the top of this page

I agree with you Hugh........it has been my impression since joining this club that being R/O automatically went with the role of Kent Scoobies organiser ( or vice versa) yet in her post at the top of this page, Pele quite categorically states that the meeting on Sunday is to discuss the role of R/O which '...clearly has been confused with that of KS organiser..' In another recent post Pele went on to say how in the past she'd arranged events, sent out emails etc etc so all said and done, she seems to have taken on the role of Kent Scoobies organiser and perhaps its for this reason people have assumed she always has been. Even Ian, who's been in this club far longer than me assumed they ran together. Perhaps establishing a separate KS organiser is something that should be discussed as well on Sunday[/font]

Then my understanding from your post Ian is that they are one in the same, however Pele stated that they are two different posts. Which at the moment are being performed by Pele. Are we then to understand that the post of RO will embrace both the SIDC aspect of the region and the Organizer for Kent Scoobys under the same umbrella. If that is the case then I would like to propose that you are nominate for the dual post.
here here can i second that as i am not a paid up member of sidc :rolleyes::brickwall:
Posted (edited)
I thought that this thread was about SIDC RO and some how your discussing club T-shirts. Are you going to submit your name for RO Scuzz? Because you call it as you see it

Unfortunately with 4 kids, work, and supporting and sponsering a school racing team i dont have the time that is needed and with no offence meant to anyone i couldn't be party to someone losing something that they have raised from its infancy into what it is today, i will however give any help to who is appointed the same as i have been willing to since i joined.

Edited by Scuzz

:rolleyes: I GIVE UP!! :brickwall:

I wanna be part of a club that LOVES the Scoobies..enjoys the drive, enjoys the company, share ideas?

I can not fault and individual here...There are some real good characters and I have had many an enjoyable days/nights out, some organised by some some organised by others- (tunnel runs!! :lol: )

May not agree with the odd thing but thats my call and have kept it to myself!

;) I think its a real shame that this club is now gonna have to be divided! :iagree:

I am sure everyone one of us has done " SOMETHING SPECIAL" for the club...but isn't that just part of it? :gay:

What happened to all enjoying the cars?? :blush::P

Unfortunately with 4 kids, work, and supporting and sponsering a school racing team i dont have the time that is needed and with no offence meant to anyone i couldn't be party to someone losing something that they have raised from its infancy into what it is today, i will however give any help to who is appointed the same as i have been willing to since i joined.

Pele wasn't the only founder member of the club - the others are still here[/font]


I would like to point out that the meeting is for SIDC REGIONAL ORGANISER which has nothing to do with Kentscoobies directly.

Many years ago Phil Stephens approached Pele asking her to take on the role of SIDC organiser for kent with the condition the club got a forum within the SIDC. Anyone can take on this role but Kentscoobies is separate from the SIDC.

Seeing as there are two divided factions within the club maybe those who are not happy start up there own club and see if it works any better !!! that way there can be no more bickering and people are free to go where they wish giving there time to what ever club they wish to choose. This would stop all the senseless fighting and allow people to spend there energies making there club better.

just a thought

Posted (edited)

No the meeting is about the Kent Scoobies RO, whether it's a SIDC event or a Kent Scoobies event

Edited by Granby
Posted (edited)

How can there be a regoinal organiser for Kentscoobies ??? Kent is the region, and the post of SIDC Regional Organiser is what has been questioned by certain members of the club. Remember SIDC and Kentscoobies are not and have never been the same thing.

Seeing as there will always be a big differance of opiion maybe those who are not happy should start there own club up leaving the rest to carry on the Kentscoobies name, that way there will be no need for this constant back stabbing and bull****

Edited by Loony Toon
Posted (edited)
To me the RO for Kent covers everything, SIDC events and Kent events


Kent Scoobies is a part of the SIDC and if the SIDC weren't here then Kent Scoobies wouldn't be what or where it is today. I,along with most, only found Kent Scolobies because of the SIDC.

www.kentscoobies.com is supposed to be our web address. Whats happened there then! :blink:

Edited by Dalthegooner

Kent Scoobies is a part of the SIDC and if the SIDC weren't here then Kent Scoobies wouldn't be what or where it is today. I,along with most, only found Kent Scolobies because of the SIDC.

www.kentscoobies.com is supposed to be our web address. Whats happened there then! :blink:


I have no axe to grind, nothing to gain and nothing to loose by stating the following points as I know them to be factually correct.

I think people need a history lesson. There is too much heresay and not enough 'history'. [i know, cos I was there! ;) ]

I started the first Kent Subaru owners club meeting in 2002, inviting people from over kent by trawling the 'WAS IT YOU' pages of Scoobynet and NOT the SIDC site.

These meetings continued at a great venue in Rochester called the Formula One Cafe. Things were much simpler then, but work committments in the UK and Luxembourg meant that I could not continue organising these simple monthly events. Pele and another member took on joint responsibility and set up the alternating meets that we know today. Me? I was happy, that i did not have to step off a plane at Gatwick and have minutes at home, before heading off to organise one thing or another.

When the other person had to move away for work, Pele took on all the organising for the regular meets. AND as people asked for them, she also organised other social events. She also organised a website with pictures of the various events that we went to. Also the name Kent Scoobies.

THEN the tie-in with the SIDC occured and Phil provided us with our own Bulletin board. (V2 being this one!). With this tie in came an official role as KENT ORGANISER FOR THE SIDC.

Let me make that clear... The Kent Organiser Role for the SIDC was NOT the start of Kent Scoobies and should not be confused with the job of running said club. Kent is an SIDC affiliate, NOT and SIDC extension That is not to say, that I do not think that we are any worse off, for the tie-in **.

As SHREK has made pains to point out, the clear definition of these roles (albeit being undertaken by the same person at the moment), was discussed and concluded two years ago.

If a vote is to be held on a Kent Scoobies point of issue then anyone viewing themselves as a Kent Scoobies person should be able to vote on it.

IF A VOTE IS TO BE HELD ON AN SIDC MATTER, then only paid up (it costs to support the SIDC - and I do!), members of that organisation should vote on it. Being realistic, you would not expect non residents of a constituency to vote on the MP being appointed.

Its the same logic. if you want to vote on who should support you in the SIDC, then buy a house!

Going forward, I would like to see:

  • An SIDC representative, who organises all national events (Meeting points, routes, rules etc), that the SIDC will be having a presence at.
  • One (or more) Kent Scoobies members who organise local events (like Baz's French trip, which was nothing officially to do with the SIDC), so that we can Socialise within our own borders. I perceive things like BBQ's and Go Karting etc..

** People may wonder why we have never had a committee??? This was rejected as a committee makes the organisation officious and part-legally responsible for the bad actions of its members (Which it is supposed to organise). Phil once told me what the liability insurance cost was for the bulletin board. It was not a small number.


My comments regarding the SIDC and Kent Scoobies were not meant to represent the beginnings of Kent Scoobies. but as it is now and the position we are in now compared to the beginning.

Even at local meets we should still be promoting the SIDC as well as Kent Scoobies.

Posted (edited)

I have no axe to grind, nothing to gain and nothing to loose by stating the following points as I know them to be factually correct.

I think people need a history lesson. There is too much heresay and not enough 'history'. [i know, cos I was there! :blink: ]

I started the first Kent Subaru owners club meeting in 2002, inviting people from over kent by trawling the 'WAS IT YOU' pages of Scoobynet and NOT the SIDC site.

These meetings continued at a great venue in Rochester called the Formula One Cafe. Things were much simpler then, but work committments in the UK and Luxembourg meant that I could not continue organising these simple monthly events. Pele and another member took on joint responsibility and set up the alternating meets that we know today. Me? I was happy, that i did not have to step off a plane at Gatwick and have minutes at home, before heading off to organise one thing or another.

When the other person had to move away for work, Pele took on all the organising for the regular meets. AND as people asked for them, she also organised other social events. She also organised a website with pictures of the various events that we went to. Also the name Kent Scoobies.

THEN the tie-in with the SIDC occured and Phil provided us with our own Bulletin board. (V2 being this one!). With this tie in came an official role as KENT ORGANISER FOR THE SIDC.

Let me make that clear... The Kent Organiser Role for the SIDC was NOT the start of Kent Scoobies and should not be confused with the job of running said club. Kent is an SIDC affiliate, NOT and SIDC extension That is not to say, that I do not think that we are any worse off, for the tie-in **.

As SHREK has made pains to point out, the clear definition of these roles (albeit being undertaken by the same person at the moment), was discussed and concluded two years ago.

If a vote is to be held on a Kent Scoobies point of issue then anyone viewing themselves as a Kent Scoobies person should be able to vote on it.

IF A VOTE IS TO BE HELD ON AN SIDC MATTER, then only paid up (it costs to support the SIDC - and I do!), members of that organisation should vote on it. Being realistic, you would not expect non residents of a constituency to vote on the MP being appointed.

Its the same logic. if you want to vote on who should support you in the SIDC, then buy a house!

Going forward, I would like to see:

  • An SIDC representative, who organises all national events (Meeting points, routes, rules etc), that the SIDC will be having a presence at.
  • One (or more) Kent Scoobies members who organise local events (like Baz's French trip, which was nothing officially to do with the SIDC), so that we can Socialise within our own borders. I perceive things like BBQ's and Go Karting etc..

** People may wonder why we have never had a committee??? This was rejected as a committee makes the organisation officious and part-legally responsible for the bad actions of its members (Which it is supposed to organise). Phil once told me what the liability insurance cost was for the bulletin board. It was not a small number.

Well said Andy :driving:

If people stopped the back stabbing and thinking of themselves the club would move forward but until this happens it will only get worse.

As for the web site, we are waiting for a nameless member to sort it out for us and will be up and running very soon.

Edited by Loony Toon
If people stopped the back stabbing and thinking of themselves the club would move forward but until this happens it will only get worse.

No-one has been back stabbing, or thinking of themselves Tony. People have been expressing opinions in what they see as being for the good of the club.

If their views aren't the same as yours that doesn't constitute back stabbing or selfishness.

Please think about what you are posting before posting confrontational and inaccurate posts.

My comments regarding the SIDC and Kent Scoobies were not meant to represent the beginnings of Kent Scoobies. but as it is now and the position we are in now compared to the beginning.

Even at local meets we should still be promoting the SIDC as well as Kent Scoobies.

And we can. That has never been the issue. We ARE affiliated with the SIDC, but we also have our own identity and personality as Subaru owners in Kent.

The Kent Scoobies banner should always be flown higher at home events though. Thats the 'Kent' thing, after all.

At the big events like Trax and Japfest, we only allowed on stand as members of the SIDC, representing the Kent chapter.

Otherwise, whats the point of having a Kent Scoobies. We might jsut as well be SIDC Kent division???

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